Tuesday night treat!
BG Meyer Gigantes
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Tuesday night treat!
BG Meyer Gigantes
Last nights smoke while building drawers for my wineador https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...6ca402e86f.jpg
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This was ROTT and was pretty good. The first third was pretty basic, with just tobacco and a bit of pepper. The 2nd and final thirds seemed to open up nicely with some hickory and vanilla. The burn was a problem, had to touch up the burn line 4 times. I think with a few months of rest they will be phenomenal.
Enjoyed a camera shy Chillin' Moose earlier this afternoon. :stogie:
Illusione Rothchild.
ROTT not bad could use rest.https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...7cd94fd50c.jpg
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Haven’t had a New World in awhile. I’ve been letting this 5-pack rest. Good to know they’re still one of my favorite cigars. It’s basically a chocolate bar in smokable form.
Just finished off an El Rey Del Mundo that I started on the way home from the paperclip jungle. No idea who makes it. Was part of a trade with a BOTL at work - for 300 rds of 7. 62x54R he gave me 10 assorted sticks, most of which I'd never heard of. I only asked for 6 but he insisted :) Anyway, good cigar, better than my usual dreck :)