Monday Night kinda late. San Cristobal Guajiro...6.63x46. These came in late Monday afternoon , didn't get a chance to smoke until right around midnight.
Been a fair while since smoking one but after the first few puffs knew that Pepin Garcia had not tweaked or tinkered with the blend.
Nice firm ~ solidly packed.
Not given to skimping on the pepper, also He's still using tobacco in the cigars.
Tho these are said to be a 46 Ring Gauge, actually they are at last 47, and closer to a 48 RG.
More nearly a Churchill rather than Lonsdale for me.
Sizes names are pretty flexiable, given that there are several good Seven inch long Coronas out there.
Almost forgot...this smoked very nicely, thank you Don Pepin Garcia.
Burn time. Not certain, think it was likely a bit more than an Hour and a Half.