Wednesday Evening Smoke . E.P. Carrillo La Historia EIII Box Pressed Toro...6.7x54. Snow and Snow. Availability of good hot cooffee and this Toro smoked indoors helped a bit to offset the bloody Snow sent by Bluenoser.
Burn time. Two Hours and Sixteen Minutes.
My first one. And while a bit loosely packed, the easy draw produced some nice cinnamon and light pepper flavors turning to cedar and heavier pepper toward the end. I liked the first part better but I nubbed it just the same. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/201...7ef589ada6.jpg
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Garrison Cigar Co. Warfighter, 5.56 mm
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Rocky Patel Royal Vintage, started it on the way home from the Ikea Dungeon, just finishing it now. Flavor's good for a cheapie, but the build leaves something to be desired - burned sideways for a while & had a big cavity in the middle. Maybe I should pay more than $2 for a cigar once in a while :)