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  1. #6581
    Moderator Cardinal's Avatar
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    These just seem to get better and better, this one is about 2 years old and smoking like a dream.

    This is one of the nicest days we've had in 6 months, about 72 and sunny. Perfect!

    And in a first-ever event, a woman walked by on campus here and told me how good it smelled! Smells like fall, she said. Couldn't agree more.

    Last edited by Cardinal; 10-28-2015 at 05:45 PM.
    "You can imagine where it goes from here." - Maude
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  2. #6582
    Bummin' Around egoo33's Avatar
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    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #6583
    Advisor to Bum Wanabees c.ortiz108's Avatar
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    Royal Gold Kismet. Pretty good smoke, and surprisingly complex.

  4. #6584
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    CAO Pilon corona. Were I more sober, I'd offer some thoughts on the taste...however, I've had a few, and stupidly choosing the nightmares that'll come from drinking and watching American Sniper
    "I intend to smoke a good cigar to the glory of God before I go to bed tonight." - C.H. Spurgeon

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  6. #6585
    Freshly Homeless Mazin's Avatar
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    Perdomo Small Batch half Corona. Very mild and mellow cigar that has underlying hints of spice and wood. Need to burn a second to get a better opinion.

    Perdomo Mini Cigarello Maduro...Stronger than the medium flavor review that Cigar Boss gave it IMHO, but mellow in flavor. Defiantly has very subtle hints of wood and spice.

    Both were smoked with a good buddy just shooting the breeze and enjoying a smoke in the crisp Rocky Mountain air. Today was a good day.

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  8. #6586
    Lost no more allusred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cardinal View Post
    These just seem to get better and better, this one is about 2 years old and smoking like a dream.

    This is one of the nicest days we've had in 6 months, about 72 and sunny. Perfect!

    And in a first-ever event, a woman walked by on campus here and told me how good it smelled! Smells like fall, she said. Couldn't agree more.

    A day,a smoke and as you said: [And in a first-ever event, a woman walked by on campus here and told me how good it smelled! Smells like fall, she said.]

    That right there is something to remember.......may never happen again.

    "Smells like fall,she said."

    The smell of burning leaves...now that is the smell of Fall...in my memory.

    Now a times, here...law will not permit the bonfires.... ejits...and their fool "Elf n Safety" laws.

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    Lost no more allusred's Avatar
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    Wednesday evening a La Aurora Serie Aniversario 107 Lancero ...6.9 x 40...not one hundred percent of the ring gauge, but 40rg is not far off.
    This perfect size (for me) cigar was received in a Bomb from Cardinal. Can't recall ever smoking anything in the La Aurora 107 line.
    Now,I've one more cigar I intend to smoke more of. Honestly I am a slow smoker. Seems I smoke slower than the average. here's a timed account
    for this Aurira 107 Lancero: lit at 6:30pm...at 5:17pm five inches left to smoke...at 6:33pm there were three inches left...put it down with less than one inch left. so total smoking time one hundred sixty one minutes. Smoked on my front porch watching and listening to the rain falling in the background to some fine sounds from Miles Davis, Sidney Bechet finishing off with a nice taste of wonderfully evocativeand unique Gribouille.

    @NeverBend .......there you have it Pete an accurate account of my time spent smoking this cigar today.
    Still can not explain how I got so much more time when smoking a much shorter 4.7x48 Quesada Resrva Privada.
    The other Quesada R.P.s, tho not timed did not last nearly as long.
    Have one more left to smoke...intend to note the smoking time,doubt it'll last much beyond ninety minutes.
    Do not like trying to keep track of how long it takes to smoke a cigar.
    Usually will be aware of the time I light up the cigar, but then lost in the smoking experience,
    and often in some music,fail to notice the time when the cigar 's done.
    Just want to smoke a good cigar whilst relaxing.
    Only way I know to preserve the tenuous grip on the little sanity I've left.
    Last edited by allusred; 10-29-2015 at 06:54 PM.

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  12. #6588
    Lost no more allusred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OtismyMan View Post

    Happy Warped Wednesday from rainy NJ......

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    May I ask the size of that cigar, and how you liked it?

    Looks as if it would have paired well with the Heineken.
    Think we well have a few more of these rainy Joisey days this week.
    So time to enjoy before Winter starts to bite.

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  14. #6589
    Moderator Cardinal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allusred View Post
    A day,a smoke and as you said: [And in a first-ever event, a woman walked by on campus here and told me how good it smelled! Smells like fall, she said.]

    That right there is something to remember.......may never happen again.

    "Smells like fall,she said."

    The smell of burning leaves...now that is the smell of Fall...in my memory.

    Now a times, here...law will not permit the bonfires.... ejits...and their fool "Elf n Safety" laws.

    Wednesday evening a La Aurora Serie Aniversario 107 Lancero ...6.9 x 40...not one hundred percent of the ring gauge, but 40rg is not far off.
    This perfect size (for me) cigar was received in a Bomb fro Cardinal. Can't recall ever smoking anything in the La Aurora 107 line.
    Now,I've one more cigar I intend to smoke more of. Honestly I am a slow smoker. Seems I smoke slower than the average.
    It almost blew my mind when she said that - I thought she was being sarcastic at first. She was about 20 years older than me, but if I wasn't married I would have asked for her number

    Glad you liked the 107. I've tried a bunch of different vitolas in the line and they're all fine, but the lancero is the only one that stands out. Even the similarly small RG corona just doesn't match up in my mind, but I am in love with the lanceros.
    "You can imagine where it goes from here." - Maude
    "He fixes her cable?" - The Dude
    "Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey." - Maude

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  16. #6590
    True Derelict NeverBend's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    2013 Obsidian Box-Pressed Toro with Cafe au Lait (Cafe du Monde chicory coffee). Magnificent day, sunny and 73 degrees. Yum!

    Looking to re-order this coffee, $6.70 for a 15 ounce tin, quite reasonable, but shipping on 5 tins adds about $3/tin. I'll figure it out.

    Edit: Noticed that I was the last to post, so I just added the edit.

    I'm holding off on purchasing any coffee due to some unforeseen generosity

    Speaking of generosity, Joya de Nicaragua Antano Machito (~4-1/2 x 42-rg). Lovely little corona, thanks @c.ortiz108 !
    Last edited by NeverBend; 10-29-2015 at 01:34 PM.

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