Two or three days ago, it was so hot that it would singe the hair off the twins, now it's a lovely 75 outside....
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Round 2:
This time I brought out a CAO Gold Karat (4x38") that I know I like, and this is just so much better in all ways to me. I even tried it with a hoppy pale ale (it's in the grey area where it can be a pale or IPA) and it still is good without corrupting my beer (surprising as an Avo Classic will).
*Edit* Good to the nub!
Smoking a Padron 1926 with a glass of Johnnie Walker Blue tonight. It's not a Gurkha but what is? Oh yeah. A Gurkha!
I smoked a LC46 today after lunch in remembrance of those who lost their lives 14 years ago in the Twin Towers. This evening I am thinking Fuente and it's Friday.
AF King B
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Car shopping is stressful, time to unwind
Celebrating the weeks end with my first Illusione
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RP Cargo on the way home from an out-of-town meeting this p.m. Not bad for a cheapie. At one point, all four lanes of the highway were shut down for about a half hour while police and fire dept untangled a major accident about a half mile upstream. I'm pretty sure everyone in the cars around me was jealous bcs I was smoking a cigar... and they weren't :)
Crowned Heads Paniolo tonight from @Dijit
Very nice and I was expecting to like the smaller vitola but I think I like the Waltz better