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For Feunte Friday..... A Best Seller and homemade Casa Feunte Mojito!!
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Viaje chicharrones spicy
Padron 2000. Not up to what I was expecting.
May 22, 2011 at 5:41pm a nearly mile wide tornado tore thru my small town killing 161 people. At 5:41 today I lit a Fuente Casa Cuba in remembrance of those who perished and those physically and emotional injured. I lost several friends that day.
My wife and I were babysitting our youngest granddaughter and somehow survived uninjured in a bathtub off the hallway. Our house had 1 wall left standing, we were trapped by debris (saved our lives) and we lost everything except each other. Our workplace was also destroyed and several death occurred there. 12 of our neighbors were killed as well.
My thoughts and prayers go out to those who had their lives so adversely affected that day.
Now, to enjoy this cigar.
Enjoying a RP Mulligans that a forum member recently sent me.
About to light up my second ever Hammer + Sickle Tradicion Serie. I had my first one of these a few weeks ago with a friend who is a fan. These were completely off my radar - it was a good cigar. I guess I should expect that seeing as it is blended by Henke Kelner (yes, THAT Henke Kelner). Now I see that this cigar got a 93 in the latest Cigar Aficionado. Hmm... Where have I been?
If this one is as good as the first, I will be purchasing some.
EDIT: well this second one was also great - this is a good, mild cigar. Very "Davidoffesque", which I guess is not surprising considering Henke is behind the blend. Every once in a while, there were some little notes of spice, but a well balanced smoke. Lots of muted "leather". Great construction as well. For those looking for a good mild smoke, these are worth a try. I'm going to pick some up.
Noellas yum yum
Having a nice La Duena, a gift/bomb/trade/whatever from one "Steve in CO" according to my inventory notes. Unforch, I don't quite recall his screen name to give him credit. It was on Puff anyway, so he might not have leapt the chasm.