Just about to light up a Tatuaje Tabacos el Triundafor lancero
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Just about to light up a Tatuaje Tabacos el Triundafor lancero
Sucking all the tasty smoke out of a Graycliff Platinum at the moment, cleansing the palate with a Stella Artois.
Dos floras. One for all the wonderful mothers out there. Attachment 2636Attachment 2635
The other day I saw Backwoods cigars and decided to buy them as I had tried them many moons ago, prior to really being a cigar smoker, and thinking they were OK for what they were. Nah. I'm not sure why I thought that! I'm not even sure I'll smoke the others.
I've been running through CI's under $2 section looking for something I may like to try.
A well rested Padron 4k...
MOW Side Project Little Devil
Attachment 2637