Lost no more
Quote from original Post by Jeremy..." I have no idea why this idea popped into my head."
I offered this in hope he'd understand how and why that idea *popped* into his head.
[Weren't there an explanashun of why thet happens writ by some old timer name of Ari Stogie' bout how "Nature abhors a vacumn?]
However I should have checked to be sure I had the right person who said that Nature abhors a vacumn.
Seems I had mixed up Ari Stogie with the much better known Artie Dottle.
Yet seems he was not the author of that Nature abhors a vacumn saying.
The fella who is credited with that saying is some obscure (Nobody) named Aristotle.
Yeah, never heard of that Aristotle fella, reckon he stole the " Nature abhors a vacumn" bit from some one else.
Still...it is a likely explanation for why that idea Popped into His Excellency Sir Dog Rockets head.
Nature abhors a vacumn.
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Monster Bum
We have one yes vote so far. Who is this zen master of cigar smoking?
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Originally Posted by
We have one yes vote so far. Who is this zen master of cigar smoking?
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Poll needs, "Haven't tried it...yet," option. Thanks for the idea.
Originally Posted by
LOL, was it liberating or what?
"You can imagine where it goes from here." - Maude
"He fixes her cable?" - The Dude
"Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey." - Maude
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Monster Bum
Originally Posted by
Originally Posted by
LOL, was it liberating or what?
Yes, please elaborate!
Royal Bum
It looks to me like a lot of people here need to live a little bit... I get it, accidental ashing is a scary thing... ash more often and don't do it on a windy night you bunch of babies
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Originally Posted by
Yes, please elaborate!
I guess? It was in my old house. We went up to bed, could not sleep so I decided to have a cigar instead. I usually sleep in the buff unless it's winter, so I just decided against putting pants on to walk over to my smoking room for a cigar and a movie.
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Originally Posted by
It looks to me like a lot of people here need to live a little bit... I get it, accidental ashing is a scary thing... ash more often and don't do it on a windy night you bunch of babies
At least i'm not the only one anymore.
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will bum for cigar
cant say i have ever really thought about this as most of the times i smoke at a lounge or when the neighbors are up and about
Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns
Wow, Someone Knows Me
Originally Posted by
Tobias Lutz
Do you mean smoke a cigar or smoke a cigar? I'm confused.
Oh my.
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