1-2 in winter, weekends almost exclusively. I bump it up to 2-3 in the summer, because I'll sit outside occasionally during the week after work and knock one down.
No more than one a week
2-3 sticks a week
4-5 sticks a week
6-7 sticks a week
8-10 sticks
1-2 in winter, weekends almost exclusively. I bump it up to 2-3 in the summer, because I'll sit outside occasionally during the week after work and knock one down.
"You can imagine where it goes from here." - Maude
"He fixes her cable?" - The Dude
"Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey." - Maude
I just re-started enjoying cigars last summer. and probably had 1 - 2 a week in the nice weather outside. Now that it's winter, wife approves my seat next to the fireplace hearth so the smoke goes up the chimney. I'm running 3 - 4 a week now. Opposite of most of you, I'm sure. Might be due to cabin fever. I'm going through a lot more firewood than I did last year though.
I go from 2-3 a week in the Winter to 5-6 a week in the Summer. I love to sit outside in the Summer, read a book and have a smoke.
0-1 per week. It's closer to 0 in the winter and closer to 1 in the summer. There have been weeks where I've had 2, but the number of 0's is so high compared to the 2's that the average is still easily below 1.
right now 1 a week w the weather but usually in the 2-3 a week range once some warmer weather comes
Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns
a loaded question how often do I breath, thats how often I smoke.
I used to be a one stick on very special occasions, since the end of last summer when I decided to figure out which cigars and what I liked in them, I have been averaging one stick a day...got to slow down though...I'm alway watching my budget and it can get expenssive.
The weather has a lot to do with how many. During the warmer months when I'm chillin' and grillin', I'll do 10 a week easy.....
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.
I average 3 a day at work. You would think working in a B&M you would actually get to enjoy them. Most of the cigars I smoke I don't get a chance to enjoy. I do get a discount, but the only free ones are from reps.
Certified Retail Tobacconist
Cigar and Pipe Inventory Specialist
Just too cold atm to smoke more.... so we go to the local shitkickers bar, sorry Rusty Spur and watch my missus get drunk and we watch all them folks in plaid shirts and cowboy hats being worn without a hint of irony. Love it! Always smoke one or two between us up there and have great fun!
Last edited by Entropydave; 02-26-2015 at 06:14 AM.