Bummin' Around
Weekdays I only have time for one after work.
Weekends I might sneak two, but I like to give my taste buds a few hours rest in between. I've found that, if I smoke two cigars back-to-back, I get trench mouth and risk singeing the tip of my tongue.
When I'm out camping, I might get three in, with a rest in between.
Lonely Wandering Bum
I'm usually smoking at the end of the night, so it's typically only one a night so I can get to bed. If I'm at a herf for several hours, or my wife is out of town - I'm smoking two or three sticks.
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
I normally smoke 2 nice cigars a day. Something small around lunch and something bigger after dinner. As long as Ive given my palate enough time to refresh I don't feel bad about it.
Last edited by HIM; 03-11-2015 at 08:25 PM.
Resident Perdomo whore
I usually can have only one, around this time each night. On the rare occasion when I can overindulge, I will smoke like a chimney and never regret it. If I have ever not really wanted to smoke the next day I think it has more to do with alcohol than tobacco.
"You run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole; you run into assholes all day, YOU'RE the asshole.
Hairy Cigar Fairy
Depends on a regular day its one and done. If there is a group of us just relaxing then I will indulge in another.
Originally Posted by
I typically choose one of my favorite cigars when smoking, so usually my smoking experience leaves me very satisfied. Therefore, I rarely feel the need to spark up another. Also, I'm usually crunched for time which prevents a second stick.
If I do want another, I smoke another. I like to think of cigars as a treat and treats are more special when occasional. However, tomorrow isn't promised, so I indulge if I want.
I don't want to just say, "+1" so instead I'll say, "That's exactly how I feel on all counts."
"You can imagine where it goes from here." - Maude
"He fixes her cable?" - The Dude
"Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey." - Maude
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Wow, Someone Knows Me
Don, I look at it this way...and this is not to be grim, at all...but we both know there is never the guarantee of tomorrow. With that said, if you feel the urge to smoke another and you feel like you've plenty on hand, then by all means do so.
"Waste not thy moment, for tomorrow thy moment may never come." -quo
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It seems I rarely have time between assisting with kids activities, working on proposals at home, getting yard work or housework done so when I do have a chance I go a bit crazy. I've been known to be accused of chain smoking cigars at herfs before.
Now that the weather is turning I'll probably grab more yard gars and try and set time aside for ones I can savor.
Lonely Wandering Bum
Tom Cruise in "Risky Business": "Sometimes you just have to say, 'what the @#$%?'"
Bummin' Around
Hate to crash the party, but honestly, I could be happy with a Saturday morning cigar at most.
I tend to fluctuate between periods of extreme discipline, and some where I get sloppy, but it doesn't get too disbalanced.
I do want one more the first 36 hours or so but have too many hobbies and goals to give into the habit.
On vacation I let impulse have free reign and find if I have 4 in 2 days, I actually don't want another for a few days. Kind of like a day of heavy drinking I guess. I just don't wake up craving bloody marrys until the chemistry balances out. Or maybe it's a sign I need to smoke weaker cigars. Doubt it.