My Science project!
Early in my cigar smoking days I did some trial and error and settled on 69% humidity for my humidor out here in the desert Southwest, and things have been pretty good, but now with a nicely controlled wineador, I have had thoughts of retesting to figure out my ideal humidity, and as I am a scientist I put a little thought into it:
1) One box of four month rested (at 69%) La Perla Habana Morado's. A nice 93 rated medium-full cigar that I enjoy
2) Four Boveda packs in 62%, 65%, 69%, and 72%
3) A food sealer
4) Three willing test subjects
5) My wife.
The experiment:
Hermetically seal three cigars and one boveda pack into a total of four separate packages, leaving air in the bags. DONE!
Place the sealed pouches in a 70 degrees, dark place DONE!
Wait two months for the cigars to acclimatize to the humidity inside its own sealed enviroment. DONE!
At the end of the acclimatization period the cigars will be six months rested and at the required humidity's, then the fun starts! I have identified myself and two other noble test subjects willing to sacrifice for the cause of science. One who keeps his cigars at 69% (me), one at 72%, and one around 70%... At the end of the waiting period my wife will grab a pouch at random, open it, and distribute the cigars to each of the three test subjects. We will then smoke them, taking copious notes and photos, and give them a rating without knowing which humidity it was until the end of the experiment. We will repeat this over the course of a week until all 4 humidity's have been sampled and rated.
Some statistics will ensue, and a winner will be declared!
Stay tuned until Mid July...
So a little later than mid-July...
But the test is on! I waited a little longer to make sure all cigars are fully acclimated, and tonight the first pouch will be opened by my lovely assistant and the three test subjects will smoke and take notes (and photos) while being unaware of the humidity of the cigar until after all 4 tests are completed!
Stay tuned for first sample update tonight! I will post my own reviews and may try and get the other participants to post as well. In any case I will provide a summary when the humidity's are revealed and my conclusions in this post at the end of the experiment.
Testing completed!
Reviews of each of the four tests can be found at the end of page 3 and beginning og page 4. A summary of results can be found immediately after.
Hope you enjoyed my project as much as I did!
Dr. Bob
Last edited by DrBob; 09-16-2015 at 03:59 PM.
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Sweet Cigars,
Old Smokey,
allusred liked this post
Valiant Vagabond
Very well thought out, looking forward to the results! Y'all should v-herf during testing...I'm sure there could be some hilarity involved!
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
I also am interested in your results, as I live in a desert climate as well. I've often wondered how much the outside RH levels affect what I have nicely stored in my wineador.
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Rhymes with "seed"
I look forward to reading the results!
If I may make a suggestion: Make sure your wife keeps track of which humidity levels were opened when, but to not share that information with you guys until the fourth and final tasting notes are in. Otherwise by the fourth one you guys will know which one you are smoking from process of elimination.
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Originally Posted by
I look forward to reading the results!
If I may make a suggestion: Make sure your wife keeps track of which humidity levels were opened when, but to not share that information with you guys until the fourth and final tasting notes are in. Otherwise by the fourth one you guys will know which one you are smoking from process of elimination.
My thoughts exactly, want as a blind a study as we can manage
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Custom User Title
Very good, Bob! About time someone got sciency around here
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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Gypsy in the Palace
We're going to need a bigger humidor
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Lucky Bum
Bob Nye the science guy, youve got my attention!
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
Interested to see the final results....
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Hairy Cigar Fairy
Thank for sharing it with us. The results should be interesting.
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