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Better late than never to Tat Tuesday...
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Bob’s gone feral.
I’ve spent too much time camping in mountains here or there, and I looked to Karmen and said, “I’m thinking I need a mountainman beard now.” For some reason she agreed, which is strange since many, many moons ago I used to tell her I needed a ZZ Top beard, to which she said I’d find myself single again.
I’ve never been able to grow it all that long before it began to bother me, but this time I just let that go. Now I marvel that I can tickle my chest hairs with my chin hairs! Amazing!
Now I mentioned feral, and for sure there’s a lot down in there these days, but once upon a time I wasn’t even house broken! Here’s me almost 30 years ago when my folks came down for a visit:
My mom regretted being so strict I’m sure 🤣 (being an officer’s kid I was forced to wear polos and penny loafers and keep my hair short despite my desire to do damn near the other)
And then sometimes I like to get Karmen’s brush...
Our daughter asked why I like to do that and I told her according to those in the know you should always make yourself look bigger when confronted by hungry bears. Or even like a Chow it gives you a chance in a dog fight. Hey, you never know 🙄
Back in 58
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Not bad, @rodwha , not bad. This is current, 4 months growth after having shaved off a yearling beard. Already as thick, I imagine by November, it'll be even better than last year. Kinda shooting for a David Crowder look, but Heather doesn't think I'll make it that far lol
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That's a serious lookin beard ya got there Trent. With you doing a marathon, you oughta grow a Forrest Gump when he "just felt like run-ning. :)
I've been growing one too. 1st one ever. Can't decide if I will keep it or not. It does cover up a lot of ugly though. :)
Off to a good start! It’s been a while since I’ve seen a video of Mr Crowder, guess I’ll need to check him out, but you can’t go wrong with a Forrest Gump beard!
I can’t help myself. After I shower I walk around bleating like a billy goat. I don’t like looking unkempt and so I figured I’d shave it, but now it’s really starting to grow on me 🤣
I’m watching you Bums…
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