Alan, that's a really nice dumpster, have you lived there long? :wavey::wavey:Happy Thanksgiving to you as well my friend.
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Enjoying a slightly warmer than average end to November. That and a Chillin Moose too.
Sent from my LG-H812 using Tapatalk
Not too bad only a couple degrees below freezing
A couple degrees C below zero isn't too bad.
It was 18F this morning here, which is alot better than a week ago when we had -14F (Aprox -25.5 C).
BTW... what make and size is yer reflector? I have a 3.5 inch Orion refractor, an eight inch Orion Reflector, and a ten inch Schmitt-Cassiograde.
yea we were down to those temps about a week or so ago and will get much worse in the weeks to come, the weather people are saying it'll be milder than normal this winter but when regular temps can hit in the -40c's milder than normal can mean alot of different things. I enjoy getting out for a smoke when I can now, with those temps coming and no heat for the deck I won't get out for much over the next couple months. Can't remember the specs on it but it's a cheap Bushnell I bought a couple years ago and only set up once or twice. Thought the kids would enjoy it but I can never find anything in the thing so someday I guess I should learn to use it.
Ten days off starting right now! Hell yes
Reserved a place on the coast weeks ago, got a call today they shuffled the bookings around and gave us their best place.
Smokin at the ocean