David, at first I didn't understand why Smokin' Monkey's Girl Friend seemed so sad.When she asked for a certain song, I couldn't figure why with her sweet and lovely voice she didn't just sing it to you herself. Not sure what she meant, but she swears there are times she is doing "something" and cant sing right then.All I could think of was how nimbley she can roll fish balls with hands and feet, Filling buckets so quickly whilest singing.She sez the only song she feels like singing now is Stormy Weather. Can't picture her sad, unsmilinig. So am including a photo of her smiling away with that starlight sparkle in her eyes.
Oh, and here's the song she wants you listen to while she joins you in your " safe place" says you wont need the Play Doh, coloring books,etc once you are in her arms again.
"Wake Up And Love Me."
Edit: Forgot she also wanted you to get this message.