Freshly Homeless
Impromptu Cigars
I've been curious if folks know what they are since they seem to pop-up often lately and sell out quickly.
I've spoke with the dudes at Havana House a while back and they explained what they are. I will now pass this info on to ya'll.
They buy over created stock (cigars) from years ago that the original manufacturer couldn't sell due to limiting quantities. They then put a new name on them and sell them.
Example: Brand A made a $15 LE stick in 2004 and limited production to 10k but ended up having 15k cigars rolled. Improptu then buys the remaining 5k cigars (years later...think NOW) and then sells them for $10 (or whatever/stick).
I just wanted to clear up that they're not "rolling" these themselves. They're buying pre-made/rolled cigars and putting a new band/brand on them. So any construction issues I've heard people mentioning...they have no control over that other than to not buy from that batch again.
The idea is that you can buy an expensive aged stick for NOT an expensive amount.
I think the real fun would be trying to figure out what original brand you're actually smoking!! 
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