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    Royal Bum Lynn's Avatar
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    My Humidor Project

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    always had a 25ct, and a 50ct, so after 60yrs smoking I bought a 400ct box real cheap and started seasoning and remodeling it. needed to remove the heavy cedar smell so I used a coffee vanilla mix to remove the cedar smell and after 2mos it now has a nice coffee aroma. been buying samplers to fill it but as fast as them come I smoke them, but Im gaining slowly. Im going to put a blue LED lighting system in it so the cigar can be seen in a blue haze through the glass. also going to build box racks to replace the flat racks. top right is my resting cigars got 23 days on a couple of them. as I work on this box I will update. any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Last edited by Lynn; 03-04-2015 at 12:26 PM.

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