Bummin' Around
I'm going to be smoking a CAO America while pounding massive amounts of wine with the family! In the end the night is going to be a weird adult version of Twister. But oh well Happy 4th of July everyone!
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Lost no more
"Emperor Zurg
First Name
For the life of me I can't figure out why some people tailor their smokes around certain days. Is not one day above ground just as good as another? If I decide to smoke something on the 4th - if I don't find myself doing something that precludes smoking - I'll grab something made from tobacco that sounds good at the moment, be it a Don Lugo, Anejo or a bowl of whatever pipe tobacco sounds good at the moment.
To each his own I guess..."
While I agree with the Emperor, figured I'd select carefully cigars that best fit the idea of Patriotism for this fourth of July.
The two that met selection requirements best.
Illusione Epernay Le Toureaux.
Quay D' Orsay.
A few minutes and it'll be the fifth of July and will will swing on back to something grown in another country.
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