I broke the see saw!
Help me decide what to smoke
Pissing off people since 1973.....and getting better everyday
Royal Bum
if you dont know what to smoke those sticks arnt for you..
I broke the see saw!
Trust me they are for me. Just trying to decide is hard part
Pissing off people since 1973.....and getting better everyday
Royal Bum
not meif its close I smoke4...dont care what it is..
Gypsy in the Palace
We're going to need a bigger humidor
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Hoosier Bum
Shark! That is what I am having tonight. I am thinking about having a 3 stick day/night. I am going to finish doing the repairs here at the house, and head to the city for some B&M time.
Waiting on Octember 1st
Razilla...followed by UF-4...followed by the Tat for the trifecta.
Royal Bum
well come on dont keep us in cuspece wich one....
I broke the see saw!
Pissing off people since 1973.....and getting better everyday
Royal Bum
what you mean thinking..if you ant smokin your wasting your time...