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  1. #1
    Bummin' Around herman's Avatar
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    Guitarist93 Macanudo Hyde Park

    I apologize for my past 2 boring threads in this forum, but being a person of my word, thought I'd do it for that sake.

    An old member Guitarist93 was commenting on these being bitter so I said I would age them a year and try again.

    The smoke they let off was a little rancid so I tried to use the breeze to my advantage but the flavor was surprisingly smooth and strong. I've definitely outgrown these mild smokes because it was like smoking flavored air which means they will be a hand off to a friend, but just thought I'd follow up as ridiculous as this sounds, after aging a 5 pack of macs for a year they turned out to be pretty good.

    So for all of you with bitter macs in your humi just move on for a year so when you come back it won't really matter anyway.

  2. Thanks Tombstone thanked for this post
  3. #2
    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    Thanks for the follow up and your thoughts on them. I found I enjoyed them with age more so then the youngers ones I smoked.

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