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  1. #1
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Ezra Zion Blending Sessions

    Anyone else smoke these? Anyone subscribe to the monthly Blending Sessions?

    Shoutout to @Regiampiero @Regiampiero2.0 for the stick.

    Had one of these sticks last night, and really enjoyed it. Lots of stuff going on and very interesting.

    Construction-wise, it became a pain near the 3/3. The website does mention these sticks don't go through normal pressing, so at least it's put out there.

    The reviews seem to go both ways - they're highly regarded to being a waste of your money.

    I kinda like the idea of getting mysterious sticks each month, and the price of about $25 makes it more interesting than a lot of COTM clubs I've been seeing.
    Last edited by chain_gang; 03-13-2021 at 07:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Royal Bum SoCal gunner's Avatar
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    they're highly regarded to being a waste of your money.
    Surprised to read that- many of the EZ guys throw these in their orders as a good value and to bring down the cost of the of the main purchase/shipping down.

    I've had really good ones - but - (and its a huge one) you never know what you have and can't get order more. Even if it or a version of it made it to production, you don't have a name.

  3. Thanks chain_gang thanked for this post
  4. #3
    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoCal gunner View Post
    Surprised to read that- many of the EZ guys throw these in their orders as a good value and to bring down the cost of the of the main purchase/shipping down.

    I've had really good ones - but - (and its a huge one) you never know what you have and can't get order more. Even if it or a version of it made it to production, you don't have a name.
    Meant to say the reviews range from: being highly regarded; to being a waste of your money.

    Yeah, not being able to order another of something you like would be a bummer. But, I kinda think that would be part of the enjoyment along with the mystery.

    Looks like you can also voice your opinion to the owners. You could always be the guy that smoked it before it was cool!

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