I think whoever developed the marketing plan for DE is brilliant
I enjoy all the LPs. My favorite is probably the Ratzilla. Unicorn would be the A or #9 flying pig. The others I already have.
Love the #9 and like the T52.
I got tired of paying up and my money started going towards other brands.
Doesn't mean you will ever find my humidor with less than 5 of each.
My first DE cigar was an Undercrown and I really enjoyed it. I have an LP #9 resting, but unless it blows the UC out of the water I will stick with the UC. Better bang for my buck.
I have a couple MUWATS Ive been wanting to try but other items have been higher on my hit list.
The only unico I have is a UC Flying pig that I have yet to try.
I've had the #9 and the FFP and enjoyed both very much, but they are more than I would like to spend typically.
The next on the list to try is the norteño in lancero. I hear these are especially tasty. Not sure if someone local has them or if this will become my first online purchase...
Let's go invent tomorrow instead of worrying about what happened yesterday.
― Steve Jobs
Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns
Dirty Rat is my fave, followed closely by the FFP.
Undercrown Corona Viva is also a great affordable smoke.