Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
Cigars with a good twist
I like cigars with some complexity, and most of the time I think I know what I'm in for when I buy. However sometimes either I forget what certain cigars are like after time, or maybe they've aged a little while and have better flavors. What's a cigar you've noticed had a good twist if you will, something you weren't expecting?
This Room 101 I'm smoking right now was very light to begin with, but has turned into a more "meaty" cigar. I don't remember this from the first one I smoked maybe a couple months ago, but now they are smoking awesome
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Hairy Cigar Fairy
They smoke awesome. The Johnny Tabaconaught had some great complexities and subtle nuances. The Matilde Oscura threw me for a loop in a good way. Its subtle earthyness and doughy bread flavors hit the spotm
Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
PDR Oscuro...I tried one basically ROTT and it was ok, but not great. Ignored the other few that I had gotten and then tried another many months later and found that it was delicious.