will bum for cigar

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I will probably be stopping by the Hamburg store on Friday afternoon. A friend of mine is flying in from San Diego, and he's never seen anything like the superstore there. If there happens to be an event, then even better.
friday at the superstore in hamburg its the Tatuaje & L'Atelier After Party...Meet Pete Johnson himself from 9am to 10pm. i am hoping to maybe make a second trip up on friday for this one at some point since its pay day lol
Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns
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will bum for cigar

Originally Posted by
I am not going this year and I certainly don't want to hi-jack this thread, but this BOTL would certainly be interested in the people who are attending to write reviews both of the main and free side events. What kind of deals did they have, freebies.... etc. I've attended the "Big Smoke" in Vegas so I'm interested in a comparison.
Thank you!

i plan on writing a review and posting pics of the one event i am going to and maybe the second i wanna go to as well. most of the time the free events are no different than a local event just bigger
Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns
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Wow, Someone Knows Me
I'll be at the Tatuaje event at the Hamburg store Friday afternoon.
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Mr. Noice

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Is anyone going to any of the Free events at the Hamburg or Bethlehem store for Cigarfest this year?
I'm going Kyle.(2016) .....Me and a bud and lovely brides have tickets for Friday at Lake Harmony, Pa. 80 plus cigars, Free whiskey and beer samples, handful of bums stuff.....I'm the guy with a great biga$$ grin walking around lost.....Noice.
Last edited by penna stogey; 02-09-2016 at 05:11 PM.
Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.
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Monster Bum

Originally Posted by
penna stogey
I'm going Kyle.(2016) .....Me and a bud and lovley brides have tickets for Friday at Lake Harmony, Pa. 80 plus cigars, Free whiskey and beer samples, handful of bums stuff.....I'm the guy with a great biga$$ grin walking around lost.....Noice.
Seth - very cool that you'll be there! There will be a few of us there - check out this thread for some details:
Glad another bum will be making it!
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Lost no more

Originally Posted by
I am not going this year and I certainly don't want to hi-jack this thread, but this BOTL would certainly be interested in the people who are attending to write reviews both of the main and free side events. What kind of deals did they have, freebies.... etc. I've attended the "Big Smoke" in Vegas so I'm interested in a comparison.
Thank you!

And pix,pix...lots of pix.
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will bum for cigar

Originally Posted by
And pix,pix...lots of pix.
i did a write up on the drew estate event from last year somewhere on here
Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns
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