Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Old Smokey
Congrats to those who have quit. Nasty nasty addiction and I have been its bitch for about 50 years. At this stage of my life there likely wouldn't be a benefit to quitting. My cigs are $22 a carton which includes taxes.
But quitting would have its benefits.
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Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Congrats to all you quitters. I never got into cigs, but the dreaded chew is another subject all together.......
I have never tried chew, mainly because I'm almost certain I would like it.
I sometimes chew on my cigar for a while before lighting (never with a high end cigar). I think I would probably enjoy it, and I don't half-ass anything so I'd end up doing it more and more.
Then the wife wouldn't want to smooch on me and we can't be having that.
Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.
If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln
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Royal Bum
After smoking cigs for roughly 20 years I quit cold turkey about 4 years ago. I tried quitting so may times and actually quit for a year twice but always went back to the habit. Then I just woke up one morning and tossed the pack out and said I don't ever want to have one again. For some reason it clicked this time and I don't even think about it anymore. Now I smoke a cigar almost daily but I like to think that its not the same since I dont inhale hahaha.
Once in a while you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right
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Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
After smoking cigs for roughly 20 years I quit cold turkey about 4 years ago. I tried quitting so may times and actually quit for a year twice but always went back to the habit. Then I just woke up one morning and tossed the pack out and said I don't ever want to have one again. For some reason it clicked this time and I don't even think about it anymore. Now I smoke a cigar almost daily but I like to think that its not the same since I dont inhale hahaha.
Personally I think the success or lack of success in quitting is 95% mental! Once you make up your mind that you truly want to quit you can, despite the physical addiction to the nicotine and other crap that they put in cigarettes. So once YOU (whomever it is) says "I don't want/need this anymore" and stop making excuses for wanting/needing a cigarette, you've won the battle.
Now I've got to stop making those same excuses!
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
I smoked a lot during high school and college--I was a social smoker and did so when I drank (which was a lot back then lol). Once I grew up a bit and wasn't sitting on a porch drinking cheap beer until the sun came up , I pretty much stopped all together. Then my brother introduced me to cigars, and the rest is history. Now that I understand the quality of premium cigar tobacco, I shudder to think what's rolled up in cigarettes. It's just not the same product, and I can't stand that the laymen (and the FDA) lumps them together.
Anyway, I know how addicting they can be. My dad was an on and off again smoker for his entire life until he started vaping. Now he's content with that. My gf just quit cold turkey and is doing really well. But it took a few tries.
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AlanS thanked for this post
Royal Bum
I've smoked for around 45 years, but the good thing is I know I can quit cigs as I've done it around 10 times. Never was a chewer even though I tried it a few times. I just enjoy tobacco and smoke what's appropriate for me at the time.....
Like my father before me, I will work the land,
And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.
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Custom User Title

Originally Posted by
Cigarettes are going for $13/pack here in lovely NYC!
That right there is reason enough to quit!
My last cigarette was Saturday. I smoke about one cigarette a month 
Mrs. Bruck likes my hand-rolled pipe tobacco fags - she usually has one in the evening. I'll have one once in a while. They're quite good, and not subject to rapacious taxation.
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Personally I think the success or lack of success in quitting is 95% mental! Once you make up your mind that you truly want to quit you can, despite the physical addiction to the nicotine and other crap that they put in cigarettes. So once YOU (whomever it is) says "I don't want/need this anymore" and stop making excuses for wanting/needing a cigarette, you've won the battle.
Now I've got to stop making those same excuses!

Thanks. Yes I definitely think a lot of it is mental. Its like most things...if you really put your mind to it you can do it. I always loved to smoke when going out and drinking and I thought that would be the hardest part of quitting for me. As a result I ended up not going to bars anymore which also helped me cut WAY back on drinking. So its been a double positive!
Once in a while you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right
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Scruffy Nerd Herfer
Mine was 55 years ago, when I was 6 ...
It was also my first cigarette ...
Insert witty comment here ...

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Ruler Of The Galaxy

Originally Posted by
Sir Lancerolot
Mine was 55 years ago, when I was 6 ...
It was also my first cigarette ...
Hahaha! Same here, although not as long ago and I wasn't 6. I imagine I was in my late teens / early 20's
I didn't even make it thru half the thing before deciding 'these things taste like sh!t'
The fact that the sh!tty taste didn't leave my mouth for the next 2 days just reinforced the point.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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