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Thread: Cigar Bands

  1. #11
    Royal Bum josh lucky 13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CitizenZero View Post
    The Ava Maria line was like this for me. Gorgeous banding but the actual cigar never hit home. Funny enough one of the coolest bands I’ve seen recently is the Amazon Basin by CAO. Arguably the most simple you could possible wrap a cigar with and still very cool.

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    Good band and same point with tatuaje face. I just dont put too much into the band itself

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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    I love bands - it's kinda a souvenir, something worth collecting, and a cool way to have proof or rememberance of smoking the cigar. I cannot think of any sticks I bought because of the band alone. However, there are some, like Ezra Zions, where the band is awesome artwork, which I think is both very cool and respectable. I've seen some cool CAO Xmas LEs that I'd buy in a heartbeat, but I'm not a huge CAO fan. If there were more monster or creature related bands, I'd definitely buy to both out of curiosity and to collect the band, since I'm a big horror fan - that's part of my interest with the Monster series, especially the Krueger (shout-out to Josh). I do not like tough-guy or manly bands like with skulls, but have been humbled by the actual cigar (Asylum). So I guess the marketing goes both ways with me - most of the time I'm not buying for the band, amd sometimes the band intrigues me to want to try the cigar and to have a cool new collectable.

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    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    The band is a nice thing to hold a cigar by when you are smoking with wet or oily fingers. It also tastes like schyt when it starts burning along with the wrapper. All bands go in the trash or fire while still on the butt. If a cigar is really good, I might tear the band off and throw it away a little early so I can smoke the nub without tasting burning band. They're like a candy wrapper to me.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

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    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CitizenZero View Post
    The Ava Maria line was like this for me. Gorgeous banding but the actual cigar never hit home. Funny enough one of the coolest bands I’ve seen recently is the Amazon Basin by CAO. Arguably the most simple you could possible wrap a cigar with and still very cool.

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    Bummin' Around CitizenZero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tombstone View Post
    We cannot be friends.
    It was only a matter of time before my terrible opinions landed me hot water.... lol

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    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CitizenZero View Post
    It was only a matter of time before my terrible opinions landed me hot water.... lol

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    I love me some Ave Maria. Smoked two today. I will joke with you and welcome every ones opinions. The band drew me to the line but AJs skills keep bringing me back.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tombstone View Post
    I love me some Ave Maria. Smoked two today. I will joke with you and welcome every ones opinions. The band drew me to the line but AJs skills keep bringing me back.
    All in good fun. Admittedly I haven’t had an Ava in a long time and the last one I had came from a sampler so I’m sure it wasn’t their top tier smoke. I’m sure it won’t be long before I give ol’ Ava another go.

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    Royal Bum SoCal gunner's Avatar
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    The most beautiful/elegant bands are the NC San Cristobal line - The colors in the Macaw, the embossing, the gold... just a work of (imo) . The sombremesa I had this AM is sweet and I've always liked the similar La Imperiosa band as well. Love some of the artwork on the EZ/CFed stuff too.
    @Tombstone is the king of finding badass bands - from Valkyrie to Machine-gun toting chicks!

  12. #19
    Golf Course Bum WNYTONY's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Well I can't recall ever specifically buying a cigar just because the band or box looked pretty - I don't save or do anything fancy with either of those after the cigars are burned. (Other than toss the bands into the nice shadow box that my Secret Santa @cheaphumidors sent me last Xmas) I have heard interviews and podcasts where they discuss what goes in to designing and making the bands and it's actually something they give quite a bit of thought to. Right down to color, which to include and which to avoid.

    That said I have to agree with @SoCal gunner that the San Cristobal are among the most elegant looking cigar bands out there, and that @Tombstone is a band whore with @SoCal gunner a close second (all those Ezra Zion with the machetes and hand grenades on them, come on man) Oh and while I'm at it.... that while Ave Maria bands are very beautiful the cigars don't do it for me. Not Gurkha level bad, but just not for me. Tried them because AJ but nope. Sorry Ryan

    But the name on the band means a great deal and I've listened to and done for myself the blind smokes and that band does make a great difference. Without the band there is no reluctance to say a stick is not that good. But when you can see the Opus band on it you tend to give it more of a chance because they are supposed to be good. If you've never done this I encourage you to give it a try. We tested it at the Orgy and it worked to perfection, slapped an Opus band on a Bahia and Colin wouldn't put it down even though it was bad !

    It's that name on the band that means everything. Tatuaje bands are small, dull and boring yet their sticks fly off the shelves. The Padron bands are nothing exciting but the Padron name itself that carries the reputation. It's almost as if you see a pretty band what are they trying to hide with it. I'm sure there are guys that go into cigar shops and see a cool band and just buy it, but at our level we're asking about the brand, who makes it, what county of origin, etc... I'd be willing to bet that even @Tombstone doesn't just grab cigars based solely on the band alone, that he looks a little deeper and then says "I'll put anything in my mouth once" LOL.

    The top spot in my stash goes to Crowned Heads - love pretty much everything they have put out. And they have earned my trust so much that I've automatically bought two boxes, usually robusto and corona, of all the new releases without having tried one first. I think everyone probably has a brand or maker that they trust and can say "never had a bad stick from them".

    There are also guys (and even one Southern Belle) I tend to follow and trust that if they liked a particular cigar chances are that I will too. Every once in a while they can get off track, cough, gurkha, cough, but for the most part you'll find your tastes will align with someone else out there. And the same with the shop. Typically the workers smoke cigars too, so they are a wealth of knowledge to find out what is actually good and help find the hidden gems out there.

    Trades and things like the MAW here on the Bum help out as well - you don't just have to judge based on the band alone
    Last edited by WNYTONY; 11-15-2020 at 02:23 AM.
    No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !

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  14. #20
    Golf Course Bum WNYTONY's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Edit: I hit submit and realized it's a damn novel. Apologies for the long-windedness
    No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !

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