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Thread: Cigar Bands

  1. #1
    Bummin' Around CitizenZero's Avatar
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    Cigar Bands

    In the big, wide world of cigars, it can often be a daunting task to try to expand your horizons and venture into new and uncharted territory. I don’t know about you but walking into a B&M is a lot like when I’m with a group of friends and someone starts telling jokes, I know a million of them but in that moment my mind goes blank. I have a million cigars on my wishlist, ones I’ve seen here or there, ones I’ve read about, ones recommended by friends and bums alike but in that moment when the humidor doors open, my mind freezes and my eyes wander... and I’m reduced to my most basic instinct, “hmmm... that band looks cool.” I want this thread to be an open brainstorm, it doesn’t have to have a “specific” goal, I like to delve into the psychology behind why the band holds so much sway but we can talk about anything. Tell me about your favorite bands, or tell me about the time reaching for the new, cool cigar band bit you in the rear, heck we can even talk about your favorite cigars that never even get a band. It’s just always been a weird little thing that I think about... that little scrap of paper that, objectively, is the least important part of a good cigar yet like every other piece of powerful advertising has muscled its way to the front of my purchasing consciousness.

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    Bummin' Around CitizenZero's Avatar
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    This stick always comes to mind when I think about cigar bands. I got these YEARS ago in a CI sampler, this was towards the beginning of my cigar odyssey and I had never heard of Plasencia before so I took them at face value and stuffed em in the humi for a rainy day. Fast forward like 7 or 8 years and that rainy day came and I got tired of looking at these ridiculous things, I mean... they look like an advertisement for a Sandals resort or some such nonsense. One of the best, most balanced smokes I’ve ever had. These sticks are still around but they’ve been rebranded as the Reserva Original and have forsaken the Floridian tourist trap color scheme in favor of a more traditional band (probably for the best) but this was when I learned that some of the best experiences are going to require equal parts “f it” and time.

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    Moderator chain_gang's Avatar
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    Great topic.

    This made me think of a band I remember seeing on a picture here or elsewhere, and it slips my mind unless I throw on some Wu-Tang, or as of lately, some loud ODB.

    Search results bring up zero on any Wu-Tang cigars, but the money will be dropped immediately on any stick with The W. I'm not sure if the pic is a legit stick or some custom band.

    The Killer Bees cigar, while probably not officially recognized or blessed by the Wu crew, was great and a cool homage to them (if that's the reasoning behind the cigar's name).images (1).jpg

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    Royal Bum
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    If a cigar doesn't have at least 2 bands and a colored ribbon on the foot, is it even worthy of smoking?

    I will admit I am a sucker for a pretty band and turned off when a band takes up nearly all of the cigar. BAND SIZE MATTERS!

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    Royal Bum josh lucky 13's Avatar
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    If your buying a cigar based on the band then know that your buying a gimmick. @Tombstone will admit to buying cigars for that reason. I may have a couple for that as well. But I believe the more you know about cigars the more the name on that fancy band matters more. There are brands I trust much more than others (padron over a gurkha). Established brands have built a trust. Now if your a new cigar and your trying to distinguish yourself your band may be over done to help get your name out there but most of us are only gonna buy a stick or two to see if the tobacco matches up. In the long run your burning the tobacco not the band (unless your smoking in the dark and notice the draw is a bit tighter).

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    Royal Bum Brimy's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by josh lucky 13 View Post
    If your buying a cigar based on the band then know that your buying a gimmick. @Tombstone will admit to buying cigars for that reason. I may have a couple for that as well. But I believe the more you know about cigars the more the name on that fancy band matters more. There are brands I trust much more than others (padron over a gurkha). Established brands have built a trust. Now if your a new cigar and your trying to distinguish yourself your band may be over done to help get your name out there but most of us are only gonna buy a stick or two to see if the tobacco matches up. In the long run your burning the tobacco not the band (unless your smoking in the dark and notice the draw is a bit tighter).
    I'm not 100% in agreement here Josh. There are quite a few very good cigars with large, even obnoxious bands. La Serena, Chilling Moose, Obsidian and I'm sure if I went thru my humis I could probably come up with a few more.
    I don't agree that a large obnoxious band = bad cigar.

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    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    Josh is spot on with my love of a good band. I have on a few rare occasions purchased a box of cigars just for the box. First cigar I ever bought was because I liked the band. Had if for several weeks before I was asked if I was going to smoke it. Up until that point the thought had no crossed my mind. It turned out to be one of my go to and with out a doubt most smoked cigars till this day.

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    Royal Bum josh lucky 13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brimy View Post
    I'm not 100% in agreement here Josh. There are quite a few very good cigars with large, even obnoxious bands. La Serena, Chilling Moose, Obsidian and I'm sure if I went thru my humis I could probably come up with a few more.
    I don't agree that a large obnoxious band = bad cigar.
    not say large equals bad but when la Serena came out I think they made those bands large to draw attention to them. La serena is a good point the band may have got your initial buy but if the cigar is bad you probably wouldnt be buying a box. I think for each option you mentioned there are couple others that had elaborate or fancy bands trying to polish a turd.

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    Bummin' Around CitizenZero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brimy View Post
    I'm not 100% in agreement here Josh. There are quite a few very good cigars with large, even obnoxious bands. La Serena, Chilling Moose, Obsidian and I'm sure if I went thru my humis I could probably come up with a few more.
    I don't agree that a large obnoxious band = bad cigar.
    I understand Josh’s point, or at least I hope I do, and I agree with the meat and potatoes of his thesis. Slap a fancy band on a turd and people will buy it and unfortunately end up smoking Cigar Bands but I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the visual aesthetic and what an important role it plays in our decision making. Sight is the very first sense that is introduced to a new cigar, before we ever hold it or smell it, let alone taste it, we take it in through our eyes. I’m certainly not here to defend or condemn ornate banding, just to highlight that for better or worse, it plays a part to varying degrees in the decision making process. If you were to present me with identical cigars without knowing anything about the brand, blend, or origin, the only difference being how visually appealing I found the band, I’ll probably take the “prettier” one every time. I just find the psychology behind it fascinating...

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    Bummin' Around CitizenZero's Avatar
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    Cigar Bands

    Quote Originally Posted by josh lucky 13 View Post
    not say large equals bad but when la Serena came out I think they made those bands large to draw attention to them. La serena is a good point the band may have got your initial buy but if the cigar is bad you probably wouldnt be buying a box. I think for each option you mentioned there are couple others that had elaborate or fancy bands trying to polish a turd.
    The Ava Maria line was like this for me. Gorgeous banding but the actual cigar never hit home. Funny enough one of the coolest bands I’ve seen recently is the Amazon Basin by CAO. Arguably the most simple you could possible wrap a cigar with and still very cool.

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    Last edited by CitizenZero; 11-14-2020 at 05:13 PM.

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