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  1. #1
    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    CI Discount Code?

    Will be making a purchase from CI on the 15th. Anyone have a discount code that will be good at that time?
    "Were I to leave where else would I go? Your words of life and of truth You hold." - Third Day

    "I ask not the favor given to Paul," Copernicus said, "I seek not the grace bestowed upon Peter--but I beg the mercy granted to the thief on the cross!" - Alexander Smellie 1899

    ", beer or whisky can cure a lot of problems, or start a shitload of others!....." - droy1958

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  3. #2
    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    My cart has a hair over $100 in sticks, and figured if I could get free shipping I'd spend the $6 on a single. Who doesn't need an extra stick to try out?
    "Were I to leave where else would I go? Your words of life and of truth You hold." - Third Day

    "I ask not the favor given to Paul," Copernicus said, "I seek not the grace bestowed upon Peter--but I beg the mercy granted to the thief on the cross!" - Alexander Smellie 1899

    ", beer or whisky can cure a lot of problems, or start a shitload of others!....." - droy1958

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