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    Bummin' Around Rocket Scientologist's Avatar
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    Bringing your own sticks to a B&M

    I want to get your opinions on this.

    My local B&M just started a new official policy. If you want to smoke cigars you bring from home, you either pay a $5 per stick fee, or buy a cigar for each one you smoke. This is a day-to-day policy, so if you buy a box there you can't even bring those back the next day.

    I think this is ridiculous. I can understand if some guy comes in off the street, smokes his own, then leaves without buying anything. That's not cool. But I'm a regular at this place, I spend money. I've bought several boxes there in support of the business. If I want to smoke my own I should be able to without getting the evil eye from the manager.

    They also sell alcohol there (bottles and such, not a full bar) so even if I don't buy a cigar on a particular day, I've probably drank at least 2 beers. Point being, I always buy something when I go.

    What do you bums think? Do I have a legitimate gripe, or am I the one at fault?
    I'm not a Scientologist, I just build Xenu's spacecraft.

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    Royal Bum Cool Breeze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket Scientologist View Post
    Point being, I always buy something when I go.

    What do you bums think? Do I have a legitimate gripe, or am I the one at fault?
    Talk to them.
    That policy is obviously aimed at people who just use the lounge as a nice place to smoke one. I certainly don't blame them for that.

    But I think if you talk to them about paying for a couple of drinks or the fact that you're a regular who does in fact patronize the business regularly they would likely cut you some slack. I imagine you're not the kind of customer they're worried about.

    I patronize my local B&M a couple of times a week and there are times I walk in with a stick or a pipe already lit. Even though I'm a regular, I never do that without making at least a small purchase. I'll at least pick up a $5 stick to take back home with me. They haven't said anything about it, I just think that's the right thing to do.

    This is a day-to-day policy, so if you buy a box there you can't even bring those back the next day.
    I think this part is going a bit overboard and I'd let them know that as well. If you're paying $150-$200 a box you certainly shouldn't be charged for bringing one back the next day. I'd call B.S. on that one.
    Last edited by Cool Breeze; 09-04-2015 at 12:23 PM.
    Check out my Youtube channel, Razorback Piper Guy if you like that sort of thing.

    If heaven has no cigars, I shall not go there. - Mark Twain

    It has been my experience that folks who have no vices, have very few virtues. - Abraham Lincoln

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    I think this is fairly common. But you always have a chance to vote with your wallet. As a regular you might want to share your concerns with the owner for clarification and his stance. If you are a regular I doubt he wants to lose your future business. Bottom line is he probably needs to generate more income and felt the need to implement this policy as a solution. Who knows. Share your feelings and concerns with him and see what happens.

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    Bummin' Around Tman's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    It's easier to keep account of not just you but everyone. If they were looking for more patrons, they wouldn't be doing what they are doing. It's not expensive to buy a stick for each time you smoke a cigar.

    It's too much of a hassle to keep track of a patron and their buying habits. If you know the owner enough, why don't you talk to him/her? Ask if you can bring in the receipt for the box purchase when you come in. I think being able to use the lounge for a month after buying a box isn't asking too much. If he/she isn't accommodating to your needs, take the business elsewhere.
    "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us" -Marianne Williamson

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    Bummin' Around Rocket Scientologist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cool Breeze View Post
    I imagine you're not the kind of customer they're worried about.
    The manager pulled me aside last week to tell me about the new policy - this applies to everyone.

    Quote Originally Posted by Old Smokey View Post
    As a regular you might want to share your concerns with the owner for clarification and his stance. If you are a regular I doubt he wants to lose your future business.
    That's just the thing, the owner and manager (2 different guys) don't seem to want to make money. They've changed store hours multiple times, right now they close at 6pm on Saturday and are only open 12-4 on Sunday. And football's starting back up, how stupid is that? Of course, they might change the hours again. They've also closed early several times because it was slow, kicking out the people who were there. It's happened to me a couple times.

    As far as not losing customers, someone told the manager after hearing the policy that he just won't come anymore and the manager's response was, "Fine, go ahead."

    The weather's cooling off, I think I'll just sit on my patio for now.
    I'm not a Scientologist, I just build Xenu's spacecraft.

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    Advisor to Bum Wanabees c.ortiz108's Avatar
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    That place sounds like a drag anyway. I don't go lounges for these kinds of reasons. The nicest one here charges $100 a month. Yeah, right...

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    Who else would it be?
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    Yeah, sounds like they don't know how to run a business. None of that is any good for retaining loyal customers, let alone attract new ones.

    Not sure if any of the shops around here charge. Never cared to ask. The obly one I go to on occasion to smoke is a cigar bar and they tell you that you are better off bringing your own sticks and just buying drinks due to limited humidor space. Gotta love honesty.

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    Rhymes with "seed" Zeede's Avatar
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    This policy should be waived for regular, box-buying customers. I'm shocked they'd even try and enforce it on regulars.

    Honestly, this hobby has enough enemies from the FDA to the anti-smoking lobbyists. It doesn't need asinine store policies.

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    will bum for cigar Demuths1770's Avatar
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    most of the time if you are a rgular and you talk with them they let it slide every now and than. maybe not every time but every now and than is ok. we dont have any rules like that at the lounge i go to but than again we are all regulars and buy alot. dose the shop keep track of your purcahses under your name? if not maybe sugest to them to get a system to track purchases for his big spenders so he knows who he can let slide on that rule maybe. sometimes this rule dosnt bother big spenders because they always buy when they come in but if he has told someone else its ok to go else where it may not be the best lounge to be at than. remember we dont need them to stay afloat they need us to stay afloat. a good B&M treats regulars great for several reasons one of the big ones being regulars keep the doors open.
    Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns

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    Golf Course Bum WNYTONY's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Have no B&M lounge within an hour so I don't wind up smoking in one very often.

    When I first started reading I was going to stand up for them. Being a controller in retail I know the costs and what they are trying to do and agree with the statement above that's it's easiest to police everyone than try and remember who buys what. And I was happy to see so many encourage you to talk with them and get it to a $5 min purchase or some credit for buying the box there in the first place.

    But when I see you posted that they say no slack for anyone and they're encouraging customers to not come back if they don't like it - there's not much to defend there.
    I wouldn't so much have a problem with the policy, but the attitude and service level of the shop is another story and I'd sit on my deck and purchase elsewhere if that were me.
    No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !

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