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Thread: E bay ??

  1. #11
    Royal Bum droy1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeanTheEvans View Post
    I've both bought and sold. It's against eBay policy, so they use "collectible" as a workaround. But if you're reported, even if it is a collectible, they will remove, and eventually punish you as a seller for repeat violations.

    It's risky because you have no recourse for fake/uncared for/otherwise undesirable cigars you receive, because you're technically bidding on bands and boxes.

    I will say, cigars fetch a mighty premium on the bay - but profits aren't as high as you'd imagine, because you still have ebay fees and paypal fees on the final sale price, then shipping if it's included. Yeah, it was a nice way to move boxes of cigars for a while, but the hassle eventually wasn't worth it, as I sell in a store that has a very strong non-tobacco eBay presence, this was just a side thing.
    Thank you very much "Mr. Super Secret" as I make a lot of my so called paltry living from the bay. It's just like the rest of life, and one must do their homework. I'm not buying a 2.5k couch from Fanny's Farmhouse Furniture and Fritter Fantasy Wharehouse. One can simply click on the buyers Feedback and get a pretty good idea of who you're dealing with. I've only been on there since 2009, but have over16k transactions, 9300'ish rating at 100% satisfaction. I'm not saying that you should buy from me, but what I'm saying is that many of us try VERY hard to make every customer feel that he can buy from me/us with confidence. I certainly don't want to be lumped into a group of people that doesn't give a shit about their customers as that can't be further from the truth. As far as tobacco, I can't speak for anyone......
    Like my father before me, I will work the land,
    And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.

  2. #12
    will bum for cigar Demuths1770's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogRockets View Post
    I'll still be hearing about you and this patch when I'm crapping my pants into a diaper in the nursing home
    Bull shit lol. I will have one of them someday

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    Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns

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