• How a baby duck ruined my Ave Maria Lionheart
  • How a baby duck ruined my Ave Maria Lionheart

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  1. #21
    Bummin' Around herman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheaphumidors View Post
    Why? Why would you cheer him on? Do you know how unpleasant it is to clean up dead, disemboweled animals from your backyard?!

    She's not my problem anymore, she was safely handed off to someone who knows what they are doing.
    Thanks. I moved down here with a larger domestic breed. I was walking her after a rain which makes the ducks come up, and one got spooked and started to fly off, but over my dog, so she leaped like 4 feet into the air and caught the duck by its wing.

    I was shocked wide eyed seeing my house broken dog doing something so wild then rushed to save the duck. Luckily she didn't cause any visible damage and the duck went on its way, but every time I walk her if she sees a duck, rabbit, or squirrel she goes crazy and I usually give her a little slack to track and chase. I kind of feel bad cause she wants one so bad, but I just never let her catch em. I had no idea she had it in her until I moved down here.

    Your story is gold though. Thanks for sharing this and I'm glad the forum police haven't request it get moved to an off topic section.

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    Rhymes with "seed" Zeede's Avatar
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    Haha, reminds me of the time I walked my dog once, and a rabbit bolted out from a bush in front of us and into one across the street. We just stopped and stared at each other like, "Huh, did you see that?"

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    Rail Yard Prophet stonecutter2's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    That sucks about the cigar. I had an awesome stick I was enjoying during a round of golf last year that slipped out of my hand as we were driving between holes. Fell on the cart path and we immediately rolled over it and smashed it Made me sad. Hopefully the duck will be okay, being that lucky - it was even luckier someone like you cared enough to see it to someplace safe.

    Speaking of crazy animal occurrences, My Dad opened the front door of their house to go out and get the mail one day. Our dog was laying in the living room. As the door opened, for whatever reason, a huge raccoon BOLTED into the house, and froze in the middle of the front room and stood up on its back legs. The dog lifted its head up and stared at it, and my Dad stared at in disbelief, too. Then the raccoon spun around and bolted out of the front door just as fast as it had come in. My Dad and the dog just looked at each other, still stunned, like "What the $%^& just happened?"
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  7. #24
    Royal Bum cheaphumidors's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by stonecutter2 View Post
    That sucks about the cigar. I had an awesome stick I was enjoying during a round of golf last year that slipped out of my hand as we were driving between holes. Fell on the cart path and we immediately rolled over it and smashed it Made me sad. Hopefully the duck will be okay, being that lucky - it was even luckier someone like you cared enough to see it to someplace safe.

    Speaking of crazy animal occurrences, My Dad opened the front door of their house to go out and get the mail one day. Our dog was laying in the living room. As the door opened, for whatever reason, a huge raccoon BOLTED into the house, and froze in the middle of the front room and stood up on its back legs. The dog lifted its head up and stared at it, and my Dad stared at in disbelief, too. Then the raccoon spun around and bolted out of the front door just as fast as it had come in. My Dad and the dog just looked at each other, still stunned, like "What the $%^& just happened?"
    ANIMALS man! They crazy! I spent my lunch break today rescuing walking catfish from the road next to our warehouse! It has been raining for 20 days straight here so the cat fish are out and about, but they chose a really bad place to walk!

  8. #25
    Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans Upstatemax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by herman View Post
    Thanks. I moved down here with a larger domestic breed. I was walking her after a rain which makes the ducks come up, and one got spooked and started to fly off, but over my dog, so she leaped like 4 feet into the air and caught the duck by its wing.

    I was shocked wide eyed seeing my house broken dog doing something so wild then rushed to save the duck. Luckily she didn't cause any visible damage and the duck went on its way, but every time I walk her if she sees a duck, rabbit, or squirrel she goes crazy and I usually give her a little slack to track and chase. I kind of feel bad cause she wants one so bad, but I just never let her catch em. I had no idea she had it in her until I moved down here.

    Your story is gold though. Thanks for sharing this and I'm glad the forum police haven't request it get moved to an off topic section.
    Reminds me of my old German Shepherd...

    She had a hate, HATE relationship with squirrels. Every morning I would open my french doors to the back yard and she would bolt out and just chase anything that moved. She was always 1/2 step behind the squirrels. They would bolt up a tree as soon as they heard the door open. Lol. On walks she was a total douche as soon as a squirrel was around.

    One time, I picked up a stuffed squirrel from the local pet shop and put it in the middle of the living room so it would be one of the first things she saw when she came home. She freaked out, tossing it up in the air for like 20 minutes. She slept with that chewed up, de-stuffed toy till the end...

    God I miss that big dumb dog!

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  10. #26
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheaphumidors View Post
    ANIMALS man! They crazy! I spent my lunch break today rescuing walking catfish from the road next to our warehouse! It has been raining for 20 days straight here so the cat fish are out and about, but they chose a really bad place to walk!
    Aren't those things invasive? Seems like the more of them squished, the better. It's like rescuing zebra mussels.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

  11. #27
    Royal Bum cheaphumidors's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Zurg View Post
    Aren't those things invasive? Seems like the more of them squished, the better. It's like rescuing zebra mussels.
    DANGIT! Didn't think of that. I didn't even think to look, fish aren't really my forte.

  12. #28
    Royal Bum cheaphumidors's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheaphumidors View Post
    DANGIT! Didn't think of that. I didn't even think to look, fish aren't really my forte.
    But... let's face it. I would have rescued them even if I had known. I'm a sucker for any animals in need. I even save Cuban Anoles from my dogs. I know they are invasive and have destroyed the Green Anole population but I just can't let it happen

  13. #29
    Ruler Of The Galaxy Emperor Zurg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheaphumidors View Post
    But... let's face it. I would have rescued them even if I had known. I'm a sucker for any animals in need...I just can't let it happen
    You're just a softie
    My wife would probably do the same thing.
    Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

  14. #30
    Royal Bum cheaphumidors's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emperor Zurg View Post
    You're just a softie
    My wife would probably do the same thing.
    Yea, I am, but just for animals, not people!

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