I am Legal Again!
I don't see a Legislation sub-forum yet, so I will post here.
It is now legal again to smoke cigars and pipes in designated Cigar shops and lounges in Nebraska!!
For those unfamiliar with the saga, last fall, the legislation that granted exceptions to the 2008 Nebraska Indoor Clean Air Act allowing smoking in Nebraska's cigar bars and shops was deemed unconstitutional by the State Supreme Court. I won't bore you with the details, but you can get a history along with background stories here:
The bill passed through all of the series of votes and committees and was signed by the Governor yesterday. The bill had a "Emergency" clause in it, meaning that it becomes effective immediately.
Fortunately, during this time, due to administrative process delays and other factors, including just plain non-enforcement of the ban, smoking did not cease in our lounges. I think some of these delays were intentional to buy time until this bill could be passed.
Anyway, there are some happy cigar and pipe smokers here in Nebraska!
So, as we see more control of smoking across the country, there is a victory to celebrate!
I think I will celebrate with a cigar!
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1792 Flake Enthusiast
Wow, Someone Knows Me
Advisor to Bum Wanabees
i've been following that one closely for a while. Glad the locals gov't finally came to their senses.
Formerly known as MDSPHOTO
Waiting on Octember 1st
Enjoy, Mark!
When I saw the thread title I thought perhaps your name was really Marco, and you had renewed your work visa
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Bummin' Around
Wow, government officials that actually follow through with what the people want. Shocking.
Gypsy in the Palace
We're going to need a bigger humidor
Custom User Title
Congratulations to you and all Nebraskan BOTL/SOTLs!
Wish I could get the same law passed in the house of Bruck The governor approves but the legislative/judicial branch diapprove.
(Actually it is legal to smoke indoors here, but only right next to the fireplace, and then I have to run the Honeywell Hepa filter all night. Life is good, I'm not complaining)
You oughta know not to stand by the window, somebody see you up there.
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Lucky Bum
Now if you walk 7 miles in 4 ft of snow you can smoke indoors! Lucky Fella
Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
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