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Thread: ~80% rh?!?!

  1. #1
    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    ~80% rh?!?!

    So I rehydrates all of my 69% Boveda packs and decided to store some smokes to age with them. I just decided to check em out and saw the readings were 81 and 82 (these read a little high). I’ve seen how some of my recent purchases have raised my readings several points over the 65% Boveda threshold. I thought these absorbed excess? I can see how the rehydrates ones might not be capable but the others are far from new or recharged.

    So now I have those all sitting out and with the lids off. I’m guessing if I hadn’t checked them they may have molded or something? I’m sure it couldn’t be good.
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    Administrator Nature's Avatar
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    A Boveda pack can be overcharged. I’ve tested it and the humidity maintained is elevated in this case.
    if they are plump, they are over hydrated. They should still be flat without any hard spots or palpable crystals (salts) in thEm.

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    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nature View Post
    A Boveda pack can be overcharged. I’ve tested it and the humidity maintained is elevated in this case.
    if they are plump, they are over hydrated. They should still be flat without any hard spots or palpable crystals (salts) in thEm.
    These are way oversaturated then. They’re more than plump. Maybe I should put them in my garage tomorrow while it’s 105* outside 😆
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    Lost no more allusred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodwha View Post
    These are way oversaturated then. They’re more than plump. Maybe I should put them in my garage tomorrow while it’s 105* outside 😆
    Howdy Bob,
    Jes a suggestion, how about wearing your wide brimmed stetson,hang those brovida from the rim, sorta like dangling teabags. After you've spent a few Hours outdoors roping Gophers the dangling bits...b all of 'em,should be back down to a shrivelized size.

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    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allusred View Post
    Howdy Bob,
    Jes a suggestion, how about wearing your wide brimmed stetson,hang those brovida from the rim, sorta like dangling teabags. After you've spent a few Hours outdoors roping Gophers the dangling bits...b all of 'em,should be back down to a shrivelized size.
    Down here in Tejas those aren’t called gophers, they’re hogs! And they take more than just wranglin’!

    I left the smokes out and the containers opened last night. This morning they were still reading in the low 70’s, which may well be about 69% as they aren’t precise. Seeing that we are to hit 105* or so I decided to put them in the truck where it should get hot enough to bake cookies! 😆
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    "I ask not the favor given to Paul," Copernicus said, "I seek not the grace bestowed upon Peter--but I beg the mercy granted to the thief on the cross!" - Alexander Smellie 1899

    ", beer or whisky can cure a lot of problems, or start a shitload of others!....." - droy1958

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    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    Cigars were sitting in that for several weeks. What would have happened had I not checked them in say several months? I’m assuming they’d molder.
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    "I ask not the favor given to Paul," Copernicus said, "I seek not the grace bestowed upon Peter--but I beg the mercy granted to the thief on the cross!" - Alexander Smellie 1899

    ", beer or whisky can cure a lot of problems, or start a shitload of others!....." - droy1958

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    Damn Bob, sounds like your smokes have entered the Twilight Zone. I think if it was me, I would start over with fresh Bovidas and get rid of the Boveda Balloons. What do you store your aging cigars in? How many cigars are you talking about?
    From what I have read, consistent Rh and Temp is what is needed to properly age cigars. If your cigars have been in 78Rh for several weeks, I would NOT try to flash dry them. I would put them in a sealed tupper with no added humidification and burp it at least once a week to let over humidified air out and slowly let them drop to desired Rh. I also would NOT intentionally expose to extreme Tejas heat. As with EVERYTHING cigars, slow and patient is the key. When they get close to your desired Rh, put some fresh 65 Bovedas in the container. Those BIG 320g Boverdas might be the ticket, so order a couple of extras. That's all I can think of to get your cigars back in order. You are probably looking at 3 months before they are where they need to be.

    Someone may chime in with a better way!
    Last edited by Old Smokey; 08-16-2020 at 08:55 AM.

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    Lucky Bum AlanS's Avatar
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    They like a stable environment not up and down temps or humidity. What Old Smokey said seems like sound info. Good luck
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    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    All I use is plastic storage containers and large Tupperware type sandwich meat containers. The large containers each use 2 of the large 65% Boveda packs, but the small containers have utilized the 69% packs that came in my small cigar tins and various big boy stick packages. I have a bazillion of them 😆. 33 of the tiny 4 gram versions and a few of the 8 and 10. The free humidor I got with a purchase wouldn’t even get up to the proper humidification so it’s just a nice looking box taking up space.

    So we’re talking about 10 sticks per container X 3 containers. I wouldn’t put the sticks outside, just the Boveda packs. The sticks I left out for a day and then placed in the box of QuickDraws since there’s plenty of room in there.

    I’ll be in the mountains again very, very soon (gotta escape this nasty Texas heat wave!) so I’ll see where I’m at when I get back. That is if the bears in Wyoming and Idaho don’t wanna to wrestle. I’m not too concerned with the little ones in Colorado, but those big guys further north are another story! I didn’t realize Karmen meant tent camping up there 😳. We talked about renting a small RV.
    Last edited by rodwha; 08-16-2020 at 11:11 AM.
    "Were I to leave where else would I go? Your words of life and of truth You hold." - Third Day

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    ", beer or whisky can cure a lot of problems, or start a shitload of others!....." - droy1958

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    Royal Bum rodwha's Avatar
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    Those 100-and something days dried those 69% Bovedas just fine. They all read roughly what I’d expect (70-71%) so I’m calling it good.
    "Were I to leave where else would I go? Your words of life and of truth You hold." - Third Day

    "I ask not the favor given to Paul," Copernicus said, "I seek not the grace bestowed upon Peter--but I beg the mercy granted to the thief on the cross!" - Alexander Smellie 1899

    ", beer or whisky can cure a lot of problems, or start a shitload of others!....." - droy1958

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