Any ORGY bums on-site confirm Drew Estate Liga Pravda#9 Corona Viva sticks (6x46) (Dogrockets Schlong size)..Limited run....If selling singles, can someone pick me up one and will pay tomorrow????Thanks bums...See you tomorrow. Epic ORGY
Seth did you get one? I wanted to give you one and got caught up in the day. I will send ya one with some sticks brother. Thanks again for the coin. All time best gift received at an event!! YOU are the man!!!!
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Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns
Do you want a 5er? I can swing buy some time when I get back from the cabin and pick you one up. I was not on the forum up to the event and missed it. Let me know than I can hook you up
The few pictures I got from the jam packed event. I swear this is the best 3 days of the year. I love seeing all you guys and enjoying the cigars and laughs. It is a total blast
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns
Where is everyone? The Guido Squad is in the house!
Guido's Cigarfest Orgy Bums in dah house....Noice.
Shot out to Dogrockets, Brent, and Collins and the rest of the ORGY bums that attended ORGY 2018. Epic.
Had to leave early for Firehall duties and wanted to say thank you bums...This year was AWESOME, a great time had by all....special thanks to
for sharing the room.....Chainsaw snoring.......also
, finally had some golf chat and a few fine smokes in between....
Last edited by penna stogey; 05-06-2018 at 12:39 PM.
Guido's Cigarfest Orgy Bums in dah house....Noice.
Shot out to Dogrockets, Brent, and Collins and the rest of the ORGY bums that attended ORGY 2018. Epic.
Had to leave early for Firehall duties and wanted to say thank you bums...This year was AWESOME, a great time had by all....special thanks to
for sharing the room.....Chainsaw snoring....
, finally had some golf chat and a few fine smokes in between....
I recognize Italy's colors (my dad was in Sons of Italy too) but What does the Tee say?