The 2nd Annual Cigar Bum Orgy held at CIGARfest - will you be there?
Fellow bums - the annual Cigars International CIGARfest is coming up soon - the event runs Thursday May 4th through Sunday May 7. Besides the CIGARfest event itself on Friday and Saturday, there are other free events around complete with cigar celebrities and great deals on cigars.
Last year we held the 1st Annual Cigar Bum Orgy at CIGARfest. It's only fitting that this year will be the 2nd Annual Cigar Bum Orgy held at CIGARfest!
Will you join us?
Last year's Orgy was a phenomenal time. Words can't say how much fun we had last year. I have been looking forward to this day since we left the parking lot to head home last year.
Just saw the Email today sounds like a blast. Now to convince the Girlfriend it's also in her best interest that i partake in the festivities. If any of you BUMS from CT are planning on going let me know. Don't even know for sure if I'm going, but i dont drink alcohol so i can be the perfect designated driver
Just saw the Email today sounds like a blast. Now to convince the Girlfriend it's also in her best interest that i partake in the festivities. If any of you BUMS from CT are planning on going let me know. Don't even know for sure if I'm going, but i dont drink alcohol so i can be the perfect designated driver
A few of us (Jimmy, Collin, Brent, Kyle) didn't go to the actual CIGARfest itself. We just sat at Hamburg Superstore for 4 days and smoked cigar after cigar after cigar. That was a blast. A couple people that live closer came over for the day - Steve, Sean and Steve did this.
A couple people joined us at the Superstore but also went to CIGARfest I believe - Seth, Ryan and Ciro
The Orgy can be anything you want it to be! But it is guaranteed to be a blast and yes you need to come hang out with us.
A few of us (Jimmy, Collin, Brent, Kyle) didn't go to the actual CIGARfest itself. We just sat at Hamburg Superstore for 4 days and smoked cigar after cigar after cigar. That was a blast. A couple people that live closer came over for the day - Steve, Sean and Steve did this.
A couple people joined us at the Superstore but also went to CIGARfest I believe - Seth, Ryan and Ciro
The Orgy can be anything you want it to be! But it is guaranteed to be a blast and yes you need to come hang out with us.
I am really not that interested in the actual Cigarfest event but hanging all day in the store and smoking with you bums sounds like a damn good time. I may have to arrange a visit to Moms in Philly on this weekend
Once in a while you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right
I am really not that interested in the actual Cigarfest event but hanging all day in the store and smoking with you bums sounds like a damn good time. I may have to arrange a visit to Moms in Philly on this weekend
Please do! It was a blast sitting in a chair for 10 hours a day smoking cigars and shooting the bull with each other. We need you there Kris!
Please do! It was a blast sitting in a chair for 10 hours a day smoking cigars and shooting the bull with each other. We need you there Kris!
I put it on the calendar. Not planning on Cigarfest but might be able to do a chair next to
so I can ash on his Dolphins jersey....
My daughter is due in May and have to check on granddaughter's dance recital but I'm going to see what I can figure out.
No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !
The Dogrockets Orgy goes Viral....Count us locals all in and thanks for spearheading your Orgy....again, I see a pattern.....Pre-Registered this morning.....You should where a tall white cap or turban or something to identify the great Dogrockets himself....I totally interrogated every customer in there to find you...Damn near water board Brent
when I asked who's the great Dogrockets, but this will got some purrrty lips D-R. Noice.
Last edited by penna stogey; 01-03-2017 at 07:35 PM.