Monster Bum
The 2nd Annual Cigar Bum Orgy held at CIGARfest - will you be there?
Fellow bums - the annual Cigars International CIGARfest is coming up soon - the event runs Thursday May 4th through Sunday May 7. Besides the CIGARfest event itself on Friday and Saturday, there are other free events around complete with cigar celebrities and great deals on cigars.
Last year we held the 1st Annual Cigar Bum Orgy at CIGARfest. It's only fitting that this year will be the 2nd Annual Cigar Bum Orgy held at CIGARfest!
Will you join us?
Last year's Orgy was a phenomenal time. Words can't say how much fun we had last year. I have been looking forward to this day since we left the parking lot to head home last year.
Over the course of the Orgy many bums were present including
@penna stogey
, and
@greige matter
. I think I got everyone.
Pictures from last year's Orgy can be found here (scroll down a tad to see Collin's post): http://www.cigarbum.com/forum/genera...highlight=orgy Even
made it last year and made his report here: http://www.cigarbum.com/forum/genera...highlight=orgy
So, let's get the discussion going. Who is in? Who do we need to convince that you need to be there?
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