Hairy Cigar Fairy

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Been meaning to hit the Philly CI. What are the prices like at the store similar to the online site.
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CI Philly sucks. The other three stores are better. They will match the catalog for most things.
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The Guido Squad
The good news I will make it up to hang out on Friday.
The bad news is I can only come up for one day. My daughter's conformation is that weekend.
Looking forward to at least sneaking in a day at CI and hanging with the Bums!!
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
Damn life's been so busy, a weekend away sounds awesome. It's around my daughter's recital time, will check back!
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Golf Course Bum

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Please do! It was a blast sitting in a chair for 10 hours a day smoking cigars and shooting the bull with each other. We need you there Kris!
I put it on the calendar. Not planning on Cigarfest but might be able to do a chair next to
so I can ash on his Dolphins jersey....
My daughter is due in May and have to check on granddaughter's dance recital but I'm going to see what I can figure out.
No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !
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Jumpin’ Railcars and Collectin' Cans
let's go fins! 😛
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Mr. Noice

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let's go fins! 😛
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You go Manatees, busted the Ravens out of it, well, the Sqeelers did. Cigarfest Orgy is Epic. Hope you can make it up.
Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.
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Full-on Scraggly Bum
We've already discussed this but not looking good for me this year lol.
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will bum for cigar

Originally Posted by
We've already discussed this but not looking good for me this year lol.
Yes we discussed this. I'm coming to pick you up. Come on jimmy it was just this morning this was discussed. Get with the program lol
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Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle- George Burns
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Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
We've already discussed this but not looking good for me this year lol.
Hey if I am going to come all the way from the Sunshine State you can drive over the bridge
Once in a while you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right
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Cigar-Smoking Scum

Originally Posted by
I am really not that interested in the actual Cigarfest event but hanging all day in the store and smoking with you bums sounds like a damn good time. I may have to arrange a visit to Moms in Philly on this weekend
Samesies! If you need a ride Philly/Hamburg, I can probably hook you up!

Originally Posted by
CI Philly sucks. The other three stores are better. They will match the catalog for most things.
Didn't even know there was a CI Philly. Been to all the other stores....

Originally Posted by
I put it on the calendar. Not planning on Cigarfest but might be able to do a chair next to
so I can ash on his Dolphins jersey....
My daughter is due in May and have to check on granddaughter's dance recital but I'm going to see what I can figure out.
OMG, does this mean you might actually make it!?!
This is gonna be one
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