:partygrin: Guys, I'm not just a piece of meat...
David, the way you can know for sure if the thread will be this way. Look below the thread title, if it says "Started by DogRockets".
I just got off the phone with Mom back in Philly and said I MIGHT be coming to visit in May and what she heard is that I am DEFINITELY coming to visit in May. So I guess that decides it. I will put in for 9 days of PTO time tomorrow. It's officially on bitches!!!
And this bums is how it's done. No "well maybe" or "let me check with the wife" or "my penis may be smaller than @Demuths1770 so I'm not sure if I can go".
This commitment to the Orgy by Kris should be the kick in the seat of the pants that all you other bums need!
Why say no when it feels so good to say yes?
The 2nd Annual Cigar Bum Orgy is going to be Epic!!
Make sure you dress appropriate; we want to make sure we can distinguish ourselves from the rest.
You need to find another hobby. There's no need of you having to deal with "these/those people". I'm sure your mother has better things for you to do while there. Your sterling record with the local police department is (prolly) still intact, along with your pride. Errrrrrr......piss on it......have a blast you maniac! Hope you guys and gurls have a blast!......
We are all in now, made reservations at the same place last year in East Stroudsburg and still going with or without Cigarfest tickets....A Epic Orgy in the making....Is that Dogrockets in the center with exposed buttocks chaps.....Noice
I call the American flag hat costume!
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I'm just happy they don't make those leather chaps in white because @DogRockets would be a liar wearing them. I heard what happened last year. Errrr.....where's my bleach at?......
Where's @Tobias Lutz and the manicorn when you need it...