You got that right - I'm planning on rooming with my buddy Randy Andy @Bernardini if he makes it up !
You got that right - I'm planning on rooming with my buddy Randy Andy @Bernardini if he makes it up !
Lol, I snore, so you might want to choose another roomie.
I have the date in my calendar, and if I can get away from work that weekend, I will definitely drive up for Friday/Saturday. It's only a little over three hours for me. It would be really fun to save money on postage and just bomb the sh%t out of people in person. I got a lot of trunk space ::chicken:
Damn, you are going too? @projectsunfire you going to be able to make it? I need to get to work on the wife.
I'm not making any promises, but my wife just got a job offer. If she takes it and it goes well I might be able to make it.
It looks like you Bums are going to have a great turnout. I look forward to seeing the pics and hearing the stories. I hope Jesse finds someone to cuddle with since Tony has already made eyes with another.😀😀
Still working on making it. There's always @projectsunfire ...
That's it - hit it and quit it when it comes to @jhedrick83 :biglaugh:
Errrrr.....every time I get on this thread, one of three things happen. They all either involve Lysol, peroxide or bleach. Keep it up guys.....