Just two more months to go!
Just two more months to go!
Ugggh!! Disappointed I'm not going to be there.
Looks like DogRockets is ready to roll!
I figured coming from Indiana @DogRockets would be driving something like this:
His Excellency Sir. Dog Rockets shall indeed be arriving by Motor. He would have flown, but the Construction of his private (very) jet has taken a bit longer than anticipated despite work being carried on around the clock.The Massive weight of his on board Humidor means that each of the four jet engines on each wing of the aircraft must perform perfectly. The plane being a bit larger than the Spruce Goose built by Howard Hughes would surely have been a sight not to be missed as His Excellency flew it above the city of Philadelphia. And yes He and only He would be at the controls.
Now He will arrive in His bespoke,one of a kind Double wide and double stretch Bentley. His driver Horseshoe receiving instruction, via speaking tube,from His Excellency.