Say it ain't Tails from the to have Dog. Rockets & co in the vanguard at all times, keeping your rear safe.
Yup. I''m sure I did spell T a i l s right.
[QUOTE=SeanTheEvans;154622]Ain't no joke up in Hamburg
Be careful not to trip and fall on your blade lest a certain accountant from Indiana wins up with your tip cup.
Rumor has it it was horseshoes fault..
jhedrick leaving early for the orgy..
To celebrate my 3500 post here.
Had to use the Caps this time.
Order NOW to be certain to get them in time for His Excellency's Orgy at Cigarfest to ensure the best days and night of your life, you may srtill find time for a cigar or two.
‘Gayuma’ still a Quiapo bestseller—but not for usual reasons | Inquirer News
Just think, really think about the story's title then read on.
Presented as a Pubic service for all planning to attend.
* * * Don't forget Pix or it didn't happen.
Jeremy is doing a little celebrating also, but how long would this cigar last Bob?
Lessee shawl wee?
The wrapper leaf looks bit who put the Condum on th ash...ah now, th plain band's th give-a -away.
Jeremy is in disquise, wearin shoes. But slips up lookin inter th sekurity cam'ra.
His Excellency Sir. Dog Rocker s shood a knowed better'n ta sen a wee lad to coleck wun a his Gurkha Spechuls.
Wen they got all dem lectrik lights thar.
E$Dit. @ AllanS. Look on back and read my post on " What did you smoke today (NC) II" from about 5 Pm yesterday.
Not going to claim to be super fast on the keyboard...but, did smoke that whole entire La Aroma de Cuba right on down to a tiny the time it took me type that post.
Can't see how you could claim that I'm a really slow smoker once you'd read that post.