• The 2nd Annual Cigar Bum Orgy held at CIGARfest - will you be there?
  • The 2nd Annual Cigar Bum Orgy held at CIGARfest - will you be there?

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  1. #221
    Mr. Noice penna stogey's Avatar
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    Don't fuhgeddaboudit the Killer Bloody Mary Bar. Again, Noice.....
    Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier.

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  3. #222
    Royal Bum droy1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by allusred View Post
    Member naow eef ya lak thet spell wot yore in, den the spell yore in while yore out, at's the spell ya wanna be in wen ya haint stuk in yore haid.
    Hope thet heps sum.

    Jes stay lubrikated an outa th Sun.Chameleon Tongue
    Dagslabit. Cain't no kind how figger wots wrong wi thee.
    Ya gits ta spen alla th time a lovin Smokin Monkey's Sweetan loverly Lil Girlfriend...wot moah duz yer wan?

    Think whut it wod be lak ef ya wuz shacked up with thet Chameleon Tongued Muley Cypress...an she caint sing lak S.M'g Girfriend nokinda how no way atall.
    Ain'r runnin outa Tigar Balm is ya?
    Eyes assoomin' yoar speekin' wordz of wizzdum oar inkouragmint oar sumptin'. Two dat', eye thank ewe very much az eyes alreddy feelin' bettoar. Kan't speek much of da Cypruss gurlie az eye start gettin' political and it makes my @$$ hurt cleen up two my neck wit' dat halfwit. Shee jus a life support system for a vagin@....
    Like my father before me, I will work the land,
    And like my brother before me, I took a rebel stand.

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  5. #223
    Lost no more allusred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droy1958 View Post
    Eyes assoomin' yoar speekin' wordz of wizzdum oar inkouragmint oar sumptin'. Two dat', eye thank ewe very much az eyes alreddy feelin' bettoar. Kan't speek much of da Cypruss gurlie az eye start gettin' political and it makes my @$$ hurt cleen up two my neck wit' dat halfwit. Shee jus a life support system for a vagin@....
    Troof dat ya sez bout thet Chameleon tongued Muley Cypress...thet Chameleon tongue lak wood sandpaper yore skin musskels all dat ri doan t tha bone afore your evebones see thet snake pit ya speekin' 'bout.

    Year of the Rooster from Davidoff are right 'spendeseif...bud thar be sum feathers fallin' lak th Crux Ninfamaniac thet y'all likelie kud puff on fer hour an harf wile S.M. s Girlfrend sings tew ya.
    Smokin slow lak duz hincreez time 'way frum th GF...now's eye thunk a thet...hit kood be why SM dun tooken up smokin Hisselfen.
    ah dun drniked th Coffee, th Snow fallin' all bout chair, gon burn sum baccky ri naow...RASS ah rekon...havin notickuled yor h'intersk in thet, even tho yah furgots thet ** most oftin like mos' times.

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  7. #224
    Golf Course Bum WNYTONY's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tombstone View Post
    @projectsunfire CI is cool with the bringing sticks. They know the longer you stay the more cash you will drop. Once you browse their selection you know you will be walking out with a few cigars if you plan on it or not.
    We can pretty much do whatever we want with you there Ryan. You own the place or something, don't you ?
    No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !

  8. #225
    Royal Bum projectsunfire's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeanTheEvans View Post
    Not sure if it's worth it, but when I fly for travel, I usually just mail myself cigars/cutters/lighters a day or two ahead of time so it arrives the same day I do. No worries about the travel on my end!

    and yeah, you can bring your own smokes, I brought 1 or 2 coolers last time, will probably do it again

    as far as "are they rested"... mine are. I doubt the store's are. But then again, by day 2 or 3 (or late into day 1) you may be so burned out that you can't taste the difference anyway.

    Remember, start with your best and work your way down (or go mild to strong)
    I can see it now...Sean rolls in with a 100qt coolidor LOL

    Quote Originally Posted by jhedrick83 View Post
    Just remember guys, if you happen to be flying with a travel Humidor, make sure it has a pressure valve on it or it will be extremely hard to open and you may end up damaging your sticks inside trying to pry it open. I saw somewhere where a guy took a wide mouthed Nalgene bottle and threw a boveda in it. Not a bad idea! I'm trying to decide if I want to bring any or not. Trying to pack as lightly so I do carry on only. Although, I guess I could fill a laptop bag with cigars as they don't count towards your allotment.
    Never saw a travel humidor with a pressure valve. I'm most likely driving up so I will probably have a cooler filled up in the back of the GTI!
    Once in a while you get shown the light
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  9. #226
    Golf Course Bum WNYTONY's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by projectsunfire View Post
    I can see it now...Sean rolls in with a 100qt coolidor LOL

    Never saw a travel humidor with a pressure valve. I'm most likely driving up so I will probably have a cooler filled up in the back of the GTI!
    I was thinking the same thing about Sean. Rolls in, pulls out a stick and kicks back with his feet up on the cooler !

    On a side note - is anyone else here going to seriously disappointed if Kris doesn't look exactly like his avatar, or just me ?
    No cigar until you get a par - birdie if it's a scramble !

  10. #227
    Hairy Cigar Fairy Tombstone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WNYTONY View Post
    We can pretty much do whatever we want with you there Ryan. You own the place or something, don't you ?
    I get little love at the Hamburg location. CI Bethlehem superstore loves me. But that won't stop us from being the ballers we are and doing what we want. We straight out the alley bum style.

  11. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by WNYTONY View Post
    I was thinking the same thing about Sean. Rolls in, pulls out a stick and kicks back with his feet up on the cooler !

    On a side note - is anyone else here going to seriously disappointed if Kris doesn't look exactly like his avatar, or just me ?
    Prepare to be disappointed lol
    Once in a while you get shown the light
    In the strangest of places if you look at it right

  12. #229
    Administrator jhedrick83's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by projectsunfire View Post
    I can see it now...Sean rolls in with a 100qt coolidor LOL

    Never saw a travel humidor with a pressure valve. I'm most likely driving up so I will probably have a cooler filled up in the back of the GTI!
    Xikar makes a number of them. They basically look like Xikar branded Pelican cases.
    "Hate, it has caused a lot of problems in the world, but has not solved one yet."
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    Go Vols!

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  14. #230
    Cigar-Smoking Scum Sticky B's Avatar  Cigar Bum Sponsor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tombstone View Post
    I get little love at the Hamburg location. CI Bethlehem superstore loves me. But that won't stop us from being the ballers we are and doing what we want. We straight out the alley bum style.
    Ain't no joke up in Hamburg


    Sticky-B Loves Bricks o Sticks!

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