Of couse driving is another option, its 40 hours of driving vs 15 hours tied up in aircrap. Hmm.. I could do some sight seeing and still cut that 40 hrs down some.
Of couse driving is another option, its 40 hours of driving vs 15 hours tied up in aircrap. Hmm.. I could do some sight seeing and still cut that 40 hrs down some.
A flight just became affordable, my son's will pay my way! Early Father's Day pesent apparently.
All aboard, next stop the Dogrockets orgy!
Alright, figured if Alan can make it from the West Coast, I have no damn excuse. Just booked my room for Friday night. :yes!:
Sadly have to leave Saturday afternoon, but will make sure I smoke enough Friday to make up for it.
I need my head examined, I'm giving up 10-15 boxes of cigars to meet a bunch of Bum's!
Yeah Not To mention the 2 you'll smoke there!
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