2022 Monthlong Smoking & 30/30
I think last month's (June 2021) Crowned Heads Monthlong Smoking and 30/30 Contest was a huge success. Lots of fun, 'trades', bombs, shit talking, and comaraderie. One thing that definetly needs to be done better is the planning - that's what we'll do here.
We'll start with the biggest decision, fist:
1. What brand or umbrella of brands?
-Crowned Heads was a great brand that offered a huge variety of smokes - many different LEs, not too bad of pricing (especially with discounts), pretty easy to find and purchase, a huge spectrum of tastes, and it goes on.
-If the brand is too boutique (EZ comes to mind), there's a risk of low participation due to the high cost of entry and them being HTF; but given there's almost a year to plan purchases, it could be doable.
-There's many brand umbrellas come to mind - Tat/L'At/Surrogates, CLE/Eiroa/Asylum, and EZ/Nomad/CFed.
If you have multiple brands you'd be interested in - list them. We'll figure something out to get to one.
Everyone is welcome to comment, share their opinions, and whatever.
you've got some sticks coming your way, courtesy of
's raffle win and his excellent decision to bomb them onto you. Let's hear your input. If you're not interested in a monthlong smoking or the brand decided - I'll send you 10 sticks soon.
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Advisor to Bum Wanabees
I’d definitely be down for a monthlong smoke. With my job I won’t be able to partake every day but I would on the days I could.
So I figure mines only a half a vote but I’d be down for a Tat/Lat for sure. Or I’d do other brands and just start stocking up once the decision is made.
Great idea to keep it going.
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Brand Voting
1. Tatuaje (umbrella'd with L'Atelier and Surrogates)
>Votes: 1
>Bums: Reno
Last Updated: 7/12 @ 1132
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Lucky Bum
Might I suggest a vitola as opposed to a specific manufacturer say a Toro or Corona month. Trey already does lanceros in February
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Don’t wait for the storm to pass. Learn to dance in the rain.
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Originally Posted by
Might I suggest a vitola as opposed to a specific manufacturer say a Toro or Corona month. Trey already does lanceros in February
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No Saka? No Room 101?
Personally, I'd say let's stick with a brand, but we'll see what the votes say.
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2022 Votes
1. Tatuaje (umbrella'd with L'Atelier and Surrogates)
>Votes: 1
>Bums: Reno
2. Vitola-specific: Toro or Corona Gorda
>Votes: 1
>Bums: AlanS
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Royal Bum
Got my prize pack from
for the 30/30.
Holy shit Matt - guess I gotta got vote Tat now too?
We do monsters in October (not always the full-on 30/30), but June is far enough away that it works for me.
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Originally Posted by
SoCal gunner
Got my prize pack from
for the 30/30.
Holy shit Matt - guess I gotta got vote Tat now too?
We do monsters in October (not always the full-on 30/30), but June is far enough away that it works for me.

Enjoy, TJ!
Yeah, now that Tatuaje's doing the Monster and Christmas samplers, it's gonna get pretty Tat heavy around here. Do you want just Tat, or the umbrella as your vote?
Isn't Illusione's affiliated with Tat like L'At and Surrogates?
Last edited by chain_gang; 07-12-2021 at 10:26 PM.
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Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
Enjoy, TJ!
Do you want just Tat, or the umbrella as your vote?
Definitely the umbrella.
Like Tony, I too was going to toss out AJ as another possibility - that would have to be the largest net to cast.
I'm pretty much good with anything the group wants. I'll either have some, get some, or have a few from the sidelines.
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Royal Bum

Originally Posted by
SoCal gunner
Got my prize pack from
for the 30/30.
Holy shit Matt - guess I gotta got vote Tat now too?
We do monsters in October (not always the full-on 30/30), but June is far enough away that it works for me.

So after seeing
prize packs and recognizing the Culebras, I opened the box and found this inside:

Alan and Kayla - we have to all smoke the Culebras together!
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AlanS thanked for this post