• The 1st Annual Cigar Bum Cigar Orgy held at CIGARfest - will you be there?
  • The 1st Annual Cigar Bum Cigar Orgy held at CIGARfest - will you be there?

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  1. #1
    Monster Bum DogRockets's Avatar
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    The 1st Annual Cigar Bum Cigar Orgy held at CIGARfest - will you be there?

    Alright all - the annual Cigars International CIGARfest is coming up soon - the event runs Wednesday April 27 through Sunday May 1. Besides the CIGARfest event itself on Friday and Saturday, there are other free events around complete with cigar celebrities and great deals on cigars (at least I've been told). I have never been there but other fellow bums have.

    My proposal - we convene on Eastern Pennsylvania for the 1st Annual Cigar Bum Cigar Orgy held at CIGARfest. @Demuths1770 lives in the area and @lvfcrook1503 will be in attendance for the chance to find one of Jonathon Drew's pubes on the local urinal. I've not met these two bums and decided now is the time, so I'll be heading there as well.

    What about you? Will you join us?

    Many bums said as their Cigar New Year's Resolution they wanted to smoke more with others and meet bums. Now is the chance. Let's make this happen!

    Now, I probably won't go to CIGARfest itself, but will be there for the other free events and to smoke with other bums. Would love to see you there. Let's have this thread be the focal point of this operation.

    I'm trying to convince @Horseshoe , @04EDGE40 and @zipdog to attend. I'd like to get there Wed and leave Saturday probably.

    Here is a link to the events: CIGARfest 2016 - America's Mega-Herf!

    I believe preregistration is open for CIGARfest if you're interested in attending that event itself.

    Drive there, fly there, walk there, bike there. I don't care how you do. Come to the Orgy!
    Last edited by DogRockets; 01-07-2016 at 03:33 PM.

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