His ecellency Sir Dog rockets by well earned dispensation will be slingin' his hammock in the Ghurka booth for the show's duration...looking forwards to watching Brian Williams exclusive interview with Sir Dog Rockets on CNN, a can't miss TV special
Unfortunately I won't be able to attend CigarFest this year as my girlfriend is due April 21st. However, I do think that @Tombstone has already said he was going.
We went last year and had a blast. And two years ago we tailgated in the parking lot all day. Broke my record with 6 cigars in one day that year.
I will be up at the Cfest. Got to get their early to lay claim on the nicest of benches.
The Pop (soda) in those black label bottles is a smile maker even when cigars arent being smoked.
Good plan getting a good bench early on you have something to lie on, or under as the day slips away while you're sippin.
Hope the weather will be fine and all the Bums attending will have a great time this year.
I don't usually. I try to head up to Split Rock on Thursday for the free festivities up there and then just chill for the weekend. Close to the date I should know better.
i cant speak for jimmy (even though im sure i know the answer lol) but i will be there when CI opens Wednesday morning. i dosnt say that he will be there like last year so i dont know but im sure he probably will at some point. i will be sad if hes not because i want to load up on some unicos and want some mainfestos too lol