• Govee Smart Humidifier and Smart Thermo-Hygrometer Review
  • Govee Smart Humidifier and Smart Thermo-Hygrometer Review

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  1. #11
    Royal Bum josh lucky 13's Avatar
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    I don't think anyone here needs more than 70 honestly I prefer mid 60s

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    Lonely Wandering Bum
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    3% less than target humidity before the humidifier kicks on is really 2.1%. It makes it very easy to hold a 64% to 66% environment. Govee added delayed actions to their software this morning. Now the fans are set to run while the humidifier runs and continue to run for two minutes after it stops. Picture is a typical humidifier cycle. I forced this one to happen by using the AC and closing some doors that change the air flow throughout the basement.

    I don't think you can get better performance than this from any fully-automated humidification system at this price point. I'm really impressed.
    Last edited by Ljutic; 09-06-2022 at 05:33 PM.

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    Lonely Wandering Bum
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    35 minutes later. It will probably stay in this range until tomorrow afternoon unless I start closing doors again and the AC kicks on.

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  7. #14
    Lonely Wandering Bum
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    Lemme throw a quick update on here about Govee in general. A couple of months ago they released a new version of device firmware and phone app with what they call Distributed Gateway. It allows you to build your own Govee Device wireless network to link things together for automation. I've now got a Govee hygrometer networked with one of their wifi switched outlets. Hygro triggers the plug on when humidity exceeds 45% and shuts it off when humidity drops back to 40% or less. I've had a ball blowing into the hygrometer today to spike the humidity and turn on the light attached to the wifi switched outlet. With our heat running constantly thanks to this cold snap, humidity drops in a minute or two back under 40% and the light goes out.

    Why is this important? You no longer need to buy a Govee humidifier. You can use any humidifier you want as long as it plugs into the wifi switched outlet. It was the last missing piece Govee needed to add to their software to make it as close to perfect as any I've worked with previously. The only downside I've run across is you have a hard limit of 10 devices in the Distributed Gateway at this time, but it's still a beta software product.

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  9. #15
    Royal Bum
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ljutic View Post
    Lemme throw a quick update on here about Govee in general. A couple of months ago they released a new version of device firmware and phone app with what they call Distributed Gateway. It allows you to build your own Govee Device wireless network to link things together for automation. I've now got a Govee hygrometer networked with one of their wifi switched outlets. Hygro triggers the plug on when humidity exceeds 45% and shuts it off when humidity drops back to 40% or less. I've had a ball blowing into the hygrometer today to spike the humidity and turn on the light attached to the wifi switched outlet. With our heat running constantly thanks to this cold snap, humidity drops in a minute or two back under 40% and the light goes out.

    Why is this important? You no longer need to buy a Govee humidifier. You can use any humidifier you want as long as it plugs into the wifi switched outlet. It was the last missing piece Govee needed to add to their software to make it as close to perfect as any I've worked with previously. The only downside I've run across is you have a hard limit of 10 devices in the Distributed Gateway at this time, but it's still a beta software product.
    Excellent post Bruce, thank you!
    Enjoy and care for your parents, once they are gone you become an orphan!

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  11. #16
    Lonely Wandering Bum
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    I made the cut for Govee's new DEHUMIDIFIER product tester. Imagine everything humidifier based, but ass backwards. Actually very similar to the humidifier to set up except the goal is less humidity. The more Govee I touch, the more I like the company and their products. I was running a Honewell smart dehumidifier in this space previously. Had issues with coil icing and they replaced the unit. Govee adds the ability to cycle the dehumidifer with an external (calibrated) hygrometer and phone app is much better than the Honeywell app.

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  13. #17
    Lonely Wandering Bum
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    Well heck. In the process of filling out my product evaluation survey, I was forced to spend a little more time in the Govee Savvy User Store. I've been a little annoyed that Govee has pretty much abandoned their first generation WiFi temp/humidity sensors. Sure, they were on the large side but mass data downloads to the phone app were nearly instantaneous connection and data download speed was so fast. Much faster to connect and download than their Bluetooth devices. Additionally, the battery life on these units is incredible. So much more battery life than the hygrometers with the LCD displays. I don't need the displays as everything gets viewed in their phone app.

    Their newer Wifi sensors are smaller and I've been checking into them for some time. Price was prohibitive when you consider I still have 3 working gen 1 wifi sensors that I'm happy with. Through the Savvy user store I was able to buy this new generation Wifi sensor starter kit for less than half the amazon price by using some of my accumulated Savvy User points to buy the discount. Govee is pretty generous with their points gifts. They add up quickly just from adding new devices to my Govee network and making occasional posts to their Govee user community bulletin board.

    Additional sensor packs are available to add 3, 6, or more sensors to the same wifi hub included in the starter kit below. I'll see how the first three work out before I add any more sensors.

  14. Thanks Nature thanked for this post

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