View Full Version : You may think you're cool but..............

Cool Breeze
09-18-2018, 11:50 PM
you'll never be Judge Antonin Scalia smoking a pipe during his Senate confirmation cool.


09-19-2018, 09:20 PM
Lol, true. And in the clip, he looks to be seriously considering, "Does this fellow talking sound more like Boss Hog or Foghorn Leghorn? A little of both, I think."

Pipe Smoker
09-20-2018, 04:46 PM
Thank you Cool Breeze! I loved it. Wish that I knew which tobacco he was smoking.

09-22-2018, 05:14 PM
That's awesome, Mr. Breeze!

That would have been around August-September 1986 which seems like an eternity ago, but yes, smoking in the workplace and just about anywhere else was common practice. I smoked cigarettes at my desk back then, and when I was quitting, I used cigars to help wean myself off. Can't imagine doing that now! :)

Not that I think it's a bad thing. I would love to fire up a bowl of tasty VA at work, but... I think smoking around others in a confined space without their approval/permission is just wrong.

Cool Breeze
09-22-2018, 06:16 PM
An older gentleman at my local shop tells us about him attending college in the 60s. He and a couple of others would sit at the back of the classrooms and smoke their pipes.

I'm in class until 9:25 p.m. so a pipe would definitely make it more bearable. I was born too late. lol

09-28-2018, 07:28 PM
That is so completely awesome on so many levels I'm speechless......