View Full Version : What do you think about Mr. Brog pipes?

02-18-2015, 04:32 PM
One of the posts I recently read mentioned a Mr. Brog pipe. My curiosity led to a little research and some window shopping on ebay. I'm curious to know what you think of them and where is the best place to buy one?


02-18-2015, 05:01 PM
I have heard only good things about Mr. Brog pipes from anyone who owns them. I've never personally smoked anything pear wood, but I did own a cherry poker that smoked really well. Got a lot hotter than briar of course, but still smoked well.

For the price I don't see how you can go wrong though. Often on amazon I've seen them priced well. If they had a shape or design that sparked my fancy I'm sure I'd have one in my collection by now.

02-18-2015, 05:10 PM
If they had a shape or design that sparked my fancy I'm sure I'd have one in my collection by now.

Yea, I was thinking along those lines myself; the Mr. Brog billiard is kind of unusual in shape. It seems kind of truncated compared to a traditional billiard.


02-19-2015, 08:31 AM
I own two of them. A chruchwarden #14 that.....ehhhhhhhh, the stem is pretty cheap feeling and the bowl is pretty small. It smokes alright. it's pearwood. I'd give it a C+. The other is a #27. it smokes great and has a nice, big bowl. I smoke English blends out of that one. It does get hotter being that it's pearwood and that the walls are thinner than I'd like. However, it's constructed well, drill points are good, the stem is beefy enough to support the bowl (not cheap, plasticy feeling even though it's ABS). I'd give this one a B+. It was worth the $25 I paid for it.

The churchwarden #14......I'd say save your money and buy a good savinelli 601 or something like that.
The #27 - Go ahead and pick that one up.

I'll buy another Mr. Brog at some point. They are right in the wheelhouse for an inexpensive, good-smoking, good-looking new pipe that you won't cry if you run it over with the lawnmower but won't be embarrassed if you take it to friend's or a lounge to smoke in public.