View Full Version : The Snork

Mister Moo
02-18-2015, 07:08 AM
What is The Snork? Simple. Removing pipe smoke from your mouth directly out through the nose. No snork, no glory.

Not an inhale, a french inhale, a retrohale or anything else. The snork is the snork - it is the way to really taste what you are smoking and define the essences within. The snork is also one of the keys to enjoying any cigar. Urban dictionary:


-v (snork) Mod. english; 21st century Amer. slang, origin pipe and cigar forum(s)

1. the process of removing recreational pipe or cigar smoke from the mouth through the sinuses and out the nostrils, bypassing the lungs, thereby saturating smell receptors and maximizing taste value while preserving total lung capacity (TLC).

Taste isn't all in your mouth; try a snork to recognize the full taste of cigar or pipe smoke.
by Xenawarriorcat December 07, 2011