View Full Version : Lets try this again

04-23-2016, 12:38 PM
Well on my second attempt at pipe making I made a 3/4" chamber bit to suite my blocks better, then proceeded to not pay attention and grabbed the 7/8" and drilled my next block. So we have another very thin walled pipe. Might be too thin but I'll try it and smoke it slow anyways. We'll see. This one was shaped on the lathe again then sanded sown to 1200 grit. Then just a coat of tripoli and carnauba wax.

This one had some of the same bad spots that caused the air leak in the first but none went deep enough to cause problems this time, perhaps I need to source some better briar if I get serious about doing these...

Anyways here's some pics of pipe No. 2

http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww347/Gsxblaze/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20160423_11_05_57_Pro.jpg (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Gsxblaze/media/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20160423_11_05_57_Pro.jpg.html)

http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww347/Gsxblaze/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20160423_11_04_59_Pro.jpg (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Gsxblaze/media/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20160423_11_04_59_Pro.jpg.html)

http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww347/Gsxblaze/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20160423_11_06_28_Pro.jpg (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Gsxblaze/media/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20160423_11_06_28_Pro.jpg.html)

http://i734.photobucket.com/albums/ww347/Gsxblaze/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20160423_11_06_41_Pro.jpg (http://s734.photobucket.com/user/Gsxblaze/media/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20160423_11_06_41_Pro.jpg.html)

04-23-2016, 03:44 PM
If it smokes as good as it looks your in luck. Nice job

04-23-2016, 05:04 PM
Nice work.
Tried to give you some RG but evidently I've given you some too recently :)

04-24-2016, 12:25 AM
Got him for ya Bruce,,,,,Really good looking pipe Blake.

04-24-2016, 07:02 AM
I RG'd too. I'm so impressed that these are your first shots at pipemaking. Keep posting them as you go, it'll be so interesting to watch the evolution.

04-24-2016, 08:33 AM
Thanks all. They're not perfect but both so far have been great smokers. Have a couple ideas on what to make with the remaining 5 blocks I have. Probably going to try another one today. I see the guy I bought my briar from no longer has anything on eBay so I need to find a new source.